Uncategorized / Tuesday, September 4th, 2018

I remember when I was a young child – maybe five or six years old – when I first watched WWE on TV. (At the time it was called WWF, or “world wrestling federation”. The name change was for legal reasons, but it did inadvertently put the emphasis on the “entertainment” aspect.)

I think what’s interesting to examine is… how did I think about what I saw?

My brother Srini loved the WWE more than I did, I think. He loved it in a very pure, primal way.Β 

I don’t know how big a fan I was exactly. I was… a bit of a fan. I liked Shawn Michaels. We had a copy of Wrestlemania for the Sega Megadrive, and I played that a lot. I remember at some point looking up guides for it on GameFAQs, and I was pleased with myself when I learned how the combos work.

I watched “Wrestling Isn’t Wrestling” and I loved it. I was moved by it. It’s a compelling story about a compelling story.