Hi, I’m @visakanv! I help people get better at marketing.

I was the blog editor at ReferralCandy from 2013–2018, where I helped grow traffic 100x from under ~1,000 hits/mo to over 100,000 hits/mo, and helped bring in millions of dollars in revenue.

I’m moderately “twitter-famous“, having grown my Twitter audience to over 99,000 followers. I also have a youtube channel (5,000+ subs) and I’ve published two ebooks (7,000+ sales). I’m also a 3-time Quora Top Writer, from back when it was cool.

I share these numbers because lots of people find that to be meaningful proof-of-work, but really I don’t think that raw # is a good metric for quality. I consistently prefer to focus on trying to build meaningful relationships with people rather than try to reach as many people as possible (hence the tagline “slow marketing in a growth-crazed world”).

I co-founded Statement.sg (currently on pause), a Singaporean t-shirt and lifestyle brand. You can read about our journey here.

I’m currently available for consulting and speaking gigs.

You can also follow me on Twitter.

These are what I consider to be some of my best writing that helps marketers:

Stuff I think is generally interesting

Recommended reading

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