Naughty Boy

books / Friday, July 27th, 2018

Naughty Boy: Under-table Scribblings Of A Recalcitrant Joker is a collection of poems by blogger and entrepreneur Visakan Veerasamy. Visakan is known for selling t-shirts with Hokkien swear words on them, and inciting members of the public to scream at Hong Lim Park.

“A refreshing, breezy voice that talks about difficult issues in a smart, accessible and nourishing way.”

“A saccharine-sweet love letter to a childhood in the 90’s, capturing snapshots of the minority experience – Visakan’s Singapore is at once recognizable, frustrating, funny and compelling.”

“Visakan’s poems are irreverent, indulgent, brimming with the enthusiasm of the annoying-yet-lovable class clown you can’t help but laugh at.”

“Visakan is probably an outlier and a classic GEP failure case in the government’s eyes.” – RICE Media

“This fucking ABNN again. Always trying to get attention, trying to be some sort of public intellectual. A failed attempt.” – EDMW commenter BuiBui4vaAlone

“Visakan is easily distracted and can be disruptive when he makes inappropriate remarks during lessons.” – Mr. Koh, Visa’s Sec 1 Form Teacher

I’ll announce the release of Naughty Boy on my Tinyletter: