When I went to San Francisco, I was startled to discover that I was able to bring strangers together, to help create a context where relationships could form. And I realized that that’s what I want to be doing with my life.
I want to find other kind friendly nerds everywhere, and connect them to each other, and build robust, nourishing communities.
I’ve written about this more extensively on my Patreon page.
Here’s a list of reads I’ve put together about communities.
At the time of writing, my current next steps are…
- Continue to grow my Twitter following, and introduce good people to each other
- Continue to grow my YouTube subscriptions, and encourage people to have good conversations in the comments
- Sell more copies of FRIENDLY AMBITIOUS NERD
- Get on more podcasts
- Do more research and scholarship on how scenes and cultural institutions developed over the centuries. I’m setting aside US$1,000 as a prize/grant for whoever writes the best blogpost or article in 2021 that helps to serve this.
Last updated 23 April 2021.