🤝 contribute

I periodically get messages and responses from people along the lines of, “Visa, I really like what you’re doing. How can I help?”

I used to be pretty shy about this, because I was bad at accepting help. But now that I have a mission that I think is more important than myself, I think it’s important that I get past my own hangups and allow people to help me, so that I can help others in turn.

Here’s how you can help me help others:


Currently, my Patreon pays about a third of my bills, my ebook sales cover another third, and I make up for the rest of it by doing marketing consulting work.

Buy my ebooks. And talk about them with your friends, and post excerpts and quotes on social media. Here’s a thread of nice things people have said about my first book.

Buy me a coffee. If you liked one of my threads or blogposts, I’d appreciate the support.

Support me financially on Patreon. I don’t intend to “live off my patrons” forever. I think about it like this: my patrons are funding my “creative expedition”. They’re buying me time to work on bigger content, like books. I’d like to diversify my sources of income, and eventually pass on my patron’s $ to other budding creators, artists, authors.

Buy me a book from my read.gift wishlist. I will make book review threads and/or blogposts from them!

Hire me

Hire me. I specialize in working with early-stage software companies that are looking to build out their marketing functions. (You can learn more about that on my marketing blog.) That’s my “most valuable function”, at least in the mainstream marketplace. I currently charge US$600 for a 1.5hr brainstorming and ideation session – here’s a post about the specifics of my consulting process.

Commission a Twitter thread! Have an idea for a Twitter thread that you think I would enjoy doing + would be interesting for others? DM me your suggestion, and buy me a coffee! (See above). I can’t promise that I’ll say yes to every single idea, but I’m putting this out there in case anybody has interesting ideas.

Got some spare bitcoin lying around? I’d be happy to get some! 3AQ2aCAYgvVgBbtSay5RxysCcWuz7qZE9p

Signal boost

Follow me on Twitter. It’s where most of my good stuff is.

Subscribe to my YouTube channel. I’ve posted a few talking head type videos, and intend to expand into doing some video essays. In the meantime, I’m doing book reviews.

Read my blog and share the posts that you like. My blog is perpetually in a state of revision and review. People often share my list of bookmarks, my “how to build and maintain communities” post, and my “relationships are challenging + a lot of work” post.

Subscribe to my Tinyletter. I’ll be honest, I write and send these out very, very rarely.

Questions and feedback

“Nothing is my last word on anything.” – Henry James

I love it when people ask me questions. Feel free to DM me your questions on Twitter (typically the fastest way to get a response from me), or email me (visakanv at gmail).

To get a little meta: do you have any ideas on how other people can help me? Let me know!

Social introductions

Get me on your favorite podcasts! Here’s a list of podcasts I’ve been on so far. I can talk about pretty much anything; people seem to be particularly interested in my experiences making friends on Twitter, building communities, talking about curiosity, creativity, writing self-authorship, aesthetics…

Introduce me to cool and interesting people! Know anybody interesting who’s visiting Singapore? Get them to hit me up! I’d love to show them around.

Last updated 24 April 2021.