
The following is a transcript of the above video, edited for readability. I think there’s a sort of mainstream understanding of how happiness is almost all-inclusive and elusive and just kind of ephemeral. Kind of vague, kind of general. There’s a lot of different ways to conceive of happiness. I would say that I don’t […]

narrow utilitarianism

just as it takes the lows to define the highs, and the dark to define the light, if you want to be properly utilitarian, you must from time to time be an absolutely useless fellow


It’s interesting how often the phrase “elitism” comes up when I solicit feedback from others. I’m aware that this will come across as defensive or denialist, but I have carefully considered it for quite a long time and I don’t really agree. We mean different things, maybe I went to school with some actual elitists, […]


I’m keeping this post on standby because from time to time people ask me what to do if one is depressed, or thinks they are depressed. I am not a professional, I am just some guy. But sometimes people want to hear from some guy. So here’s what I got. I believe I’ve been depressed […]

project management

Nietzsche: The talent of some men appears slighter than it is because they have always set themselves tasks that are too great. — Human, All Too Human, Section Nine: Man Alone with Himself – Aphorism # 538 (2024dec12) A couple of friends have told me that they found the project management section of my book […]


Hey, friends. So for today’s adlib, I’m gonna try and do 2 separate videos back to back or maybe I’ll just do one. And what I’m thinking is that I’ll do my first video about thinking and the second video about feeling so that by having them kind of separate and yet both on my […]


I’m not sure when I first started really thinking about what it even means to be a man, what masculinity is. I think it’s something that begins in a very intangible, subtle way almost from birth – it’s in the culture around you, almost imperceptible because it’s so “normal”. Straight, cis-gendered men definitely notice it […]