🔟 @visakanv’s top 10 lifehacks
(Originally posted on Twitter) 10. Do 1,000 of something. Anything, it doesn’t matter what. Really. When was the last time you did 1,000 of something? You will be a different person at the end of it. It’s one of the simplest ways to become an interesting person – there’s something interesting at the end of […]
🌉 friends I met in SF
I was going through my photos and I wanted to keep track of all the people I met. Unfortunately sometimes I met someone and didn’t take a picture… I’m definitely going to be extra-meticulous about this in future trips.
⚠️ how to get my attention
(There’s quite a bit of preamble in this post before I get to the answer – just scroll down past the hot dogs if you’re too busy for the backstory!) I have a happy problem. I have over 10,000 Twitter followers. I’d like to think that I’d like to meet every last one of them. […]
🕸 VV’s memex – a map of directives to live well
I saw a picture of “Bay Area Memespace“, and for some reason I felt compelled to put together my own “@visakanv memespace”. It’s not exactly the same thing, but it’s basically a bunch of repeated motifs in my thinking and writing over the years. It might be accurate to call them directives. Anyway, when I […]
🍳 Breakfast AMAs

Every so often I have breakfast alone, and I ask Twitter to ask me questions. I enjoy it a lot – I find it to be a great way of getting out of my own head and getting a sense of what other people are thinking. Here are some of the questions people have been […]
🙏🏾 an oral history of my relationship with religion

Thought I’d write about my thoughts about religion, and how my perspective on it has changed from my childhood to the present day. I was raised in a Hindu household. We didn’t eat any beef. We went to the temples on special occasions. My mum had an altar with a pantheon of gods, and she’d […]
💀 the heat death of the universe means legacy is ultimately futile

Pup Ponders the Heat Death of the Universe, (c) Drew Weing (I wrote this in 2013 in a a conversation with a friend, and decided to tidy it up a little and publish it for future reference. I also referenced this idea on Quora and HN, and in word vomits 0124, 0227, 0351 and 0540.) In […]
🔖 bookmarks that I often share with friends

Disclaimer – I find these reads interesting. I don’t necessarily agree with them. 2024 update: I’ve moved the last version of this bookmarks page to visakanv.com/archives/bookmarks because this was starting to feel cumbersome and I wanted to have a fresh start. I’ll now update this list every time I find myself sharing a link with […]