focus on what you want to see more of
This tweet has basically become The Central @visakanv Tweet. focus your time and energy on what you want to see more of — Visakan Veerasamy (@visakanv) November 7, 2020 I don’t know if I particularly set out for it to be. But a lot of my journey has been like that. Incidental things become the […]
joke about outcomes you want
one of my riffs on Twitter that’s taken off and embedded in other people’s minds is the idea of “joke about outcomes you want”. (It’s worth noting somewhere that this is a subset of “focus your time and energy on what you want to see more of“). I have a lot of tweets about this, […]
do whatever makes your heart sing
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” – Howard Thurman A very common question I get from my friends in all sorts of contexts is “What should I do? What should I write? What should […]