the Losev problem

Born in 1903, Oleg Vladimirovich Losev invented LEDs decades before everybody else (in the 1920s). “Unknown and uncelebr

Mint 100 Erasmuses

I’m shocked at how recently I learned about Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus (1466-1536), who according to Wikipedia is co

how to DM your heroes

How to DM your heroes when they follow you 1. specific proof-of-work: β€œI’ve been a fan of your work and writing since the

encourage your friends to ship their ideas

(original thread) friendly subtweet: sometimes when someone has an idea to do something, the best thing you can do is not to s

seek excellent peers

Whenever people ask things like “your best advice in 3-4 words” etc, I always go with “seek excellent peers&

accumulating social capital

(1) the creative life is lonely but freeing when nobody cares about your work (2) it gets good when discerning folks like your

πŸ‘‘ you are already the monarch of your life

β€” 1. talismans β€” A talisman is simply an object that is meaningful to you. Wedding rings are the most widely appreciated t

πŸ—Ώ don’t pedestalize people

I use the term Pedestalization to describe the act of putting someone on a pedestal. Hero worship is pedestalization. Some peo

➑️ pay it forward

When I was a broke teenager, my older friends often insisted on paying for drinks or meals. I used to feel a potent mix of gra

πŸ’¬ practice good reply game

There is an art to replying and commenting, and probably like 60-70% of people I’ve seen on the internet fail at it. The imp

πŸ‘‹πŸΎ everyone loves to make a great introduction

I think the big secret of social life is that everybody loves to make a great introduction. If you can become someone that peo