I’ve been thinking about shame lately. Here are some riffs, and maybe I’ll flesh this out into something more substantial later. (dec2023: this should also tie in with the status regulation and deviance posts)
From time to time I encounter Singaporeans who describe me as shameless.

It’s absolutely fascinating to me. I was still thinking about it a couple of days later when I saw another tweet that resonate with me:

When I posted this as an Instagram story, I had multiple friends from around the world – India, Spain, the Middle East – replying “this is so true”, “Resonate with this so hard!!!!!”, “I think its related to this culture in asia of being ‘too ambitious’, Being ambitious is almost supposed to be an insult 👀”, “LITERALLY ALL OF THIS!!” – wow.
I want to dig into this further. I know that Brene Brown and Contrapoints have talked about this before, I will revisit those things and share my thoughts about them.
Some links to dig into:
Shame | Contrapoints [42m]
Reddit discussion of above video – devastating bit at 20:35
Brene Brown – Listening to shame [20m] TED2012