I was going through my photos and I wanted to keep track of all the people I met. Unfortunately sometimes I met someone and didn’t take a picture… I’m definitely going to be extra-meticulous about this in future trips.

green tea with @juliagalef
at samovar with @staringispolite
dinner with @OhGodItsAlexis
At Dolores Park with @ryandawidjan
riding the BART with @webdevmason
vegan sandwiches with @tasshinfogleman
dinner with @jenistyping
bought a sandwich from these lovely folks at Lucca Deli
lounging with @utotranslucence
beers with @jdunck and @EvanSandhoefner

coffee and walking around with @sravanti__

walking around with @korede_ta
hanging out with @TheAnnaGat
coffee with @ankitshah