@BenRatkaj said he wanted a psychofauna bestiary.

Etienne Preamble to a Psychofauna Bestiary

Khalil Durkheim on the Nature of Psychic Megafauna

// Set of notes for future reference.

Egragore? Oh, you mean psychic megafauna.

our ancestors got picked off by megafauna, our peers get picked off by psychofauna

[screeching digital pterodactyl swoops in and just grabs your buddy at the dinner table, he wilhelm screams as he gets dragged kicking and screaming into gender discourse]

just as noblemen’s armor was useless against longbows, pre-2000s memetic defenses are useless against psychofauna guerilla tactics

just as our ancestors eventually learned to defeat the megafauna though, i have faith that we will eventually learn to defeat the psychofauna. some of us, at least. it will be a messy and ugly period of learning, with a lot of casualities

i didn’t signpost this too explicitly (overly explicit signposting attracts psychofauna attack), but I wrote both Friendly Ambitious Nerd and Introspect to arm people for this. but it’s not quite enough, not yet. i will die not having done enough, so i gotta enjoy myself as i go

gods, egragores, memes, psychic megafauna, don’t die from being attacked – that often in fact makes them stronger. they die from being bypassed, being made unnecessary, irrelevant

I originally used the phrase “psychic megafauna”, and then subsequently contracted that down to “psychofauna”.


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