Here’s a list of my blogposts that have been most shared on Twitter.

  1. Communities
  2. Solve for distribution
  3. Letter to a young songwriter
  4. Being smart vs Being kind
  5. The library ethos
  6. relationships
  7. one must imagine Sisyphus LOL-ing
  8. how to ask for help
  9. Most People
  10. good reply game
  11. unlearning coercion
  12. pay it forward

Here’s a list of my blogposts according to site traffic:

  1. relationships
  2. The library ethos
  3. do 100 things
  4. Communities
  5. good reply game
  6. Most People
  7. my influences
  8. make friends
  9. solve problems
  10.  how to ask for help
  11. my talking points
  12. seek excellent peers
  13. constructive ADHD
  14. how to de-escalate tense situations
  15. do whatever makes your heart sing
  16. an analysis of power and social dynamics in ‘Mean Girls’

Here’s a linkdump mainly for my own reference.

Communities [Christine, Jubilee, amirbolous, gavinyua, auramarua, thatsnotoptimal, tjrwriting, aditipar, bardia, jamesoriel, jean-baptiste, snappercayt, lensofleo, metamitya, pesa_africa, rahul chabra, peter staal, jens thang, krish, sebinsua …]

Solve for distribution – [Garry, k7vin, ngetuni, vvdtnl, nicktorba, doxometrist, colingorrie, MSlavin, tom kerwin, joecool, missrachelreads, kyleunboxed, …]

Letter to a young songwriter [Krakenjen, shadow_rebbe, amirbolous, lluismorego, janefriedman, river stone, shaud0w, 111f, mywaypress, 196nong, daretorant, cez, gwendolyn, bandeauxx, …]

Smart vs Kind [whitesmith, israel lee, peter zaborsky, sergey, kamiu, david perell, whathardyreads, ryandawidjan, …]

Library Ethos [Espacewalk, dedwarmo, missrachelreads, bartydarty, tasshin, mattroll, random_scrub, dahlingitsme, theproductfolks, …]

relationships [emdashii, maphilo, relic_radiation, lovetheusers, taylor pearson, ali taylor, krisabdelmessih, …]

sisyphus [tnorthcutt, neil soni, utkan, abhinav, huanwin, mutex7, whatdivawants, ziv …]

how to ask for help [mattx1b, jon hillis, billyisyoung, TheBuildersC, vsvivek93, nickc, …]

Most People – [Malcolm, vpalsmith33, wayfaring_tim, r_ganesh, …]

Good Reply Game [Joshua, drewface, jibran, daretorant, mergesort, …]

Unlearning Coercion [steveflanagan, dejavucoder, metaflav, scott hansen, …]

bookmarks [justin, fred burdine, anshul, ankitkr0, danielCanueto, david perell, …]

twitter marketing guide [ben pence, etiennefd, admiralOPG, monodevice, …]

twitter rpg guide [dzangwill, humanisque, spacecat, tom critchlow, …]

pay it forward [seanmombo, gholani, thisiskp_, ziq, bomberstudios, …]

make friends [ms g, lovetheusers, make friends, DaronLarson, …]

Do 100 things [trace, levi, heynibras, swyx, …]

Talking Points [Christine, doxometrist, …]

take notes [viraj, cosco, norswap …]

take deep breaths [oliver, phreekadelic, …]

rebuilding trust [rajlearns, gonnabemessy, …]

prestige trap [vsvivek93, 0xferruccio, …]

taste [btohtoh, tjrwriting, oshan …]

constructive adhd [rrherr, yollo, …]

not a practice life – [ chris cal, adam_keesling, …]

lighting fires – pooja, ttunguz …]

safe spaces – eason, verohecko …]

Optimize for Survival – [Haile …]

beating yourself up is egotistic – huanwin …]

Luck – [Cosco, …]

Product Market Fit – [Christine, …]

Pedestalization [m1guelpf, …]

seek excellent peers [rohan …]

vectors [ankitkr0, …]

writing as joyful correspondence [maria, …]

solve problems [tomkerwin …]

happiness [josh pollock …]

beware fuckarounditis [maphilo …]

imposter [aneesh …]

assholes [gsto …]

dinesh [vsvivek93, …]

mean girls [coches, nate …]

magic junkyard [julianweisser …]

neediness – thinkagainer …]

chaos school – karthik …]

smart writing – nibras, …]

marketing directives – andri …]