This page is a collection of instances of the phrase “memed into existence”. I’m collecting them out of nerdy academic curiosity. Some of these examples are silly, others can be troubling. Be warned.

The History and Future of Memeing Things Into Reality (

“We memed alt-right into existence” – 2016 Richard Spencer interview, Vice (

You Must Meme Your Dreams Into Existence (

Meme into existence, by Alice Guarnieri

Bitcoin’s value has been memed into existence” (

Now that the Snyder cut is real, what’s the next do-over you’d like to see memed into existence?” (

Gameware Express Podcast, Episode 220 – Memed Into Existence [2020]

“There have been multiple instances of cards supposedly being “memed into existence“, where Konami seemingly randomly makes a card that happens to relate to a specific meme.” –, on Yu-Gi-Oh! cards

The single most important person for a cryptocurrency is the meme maker. Cryptocurrencies are literally “memed” into existence unlike fiat which rides the back of military/police power.” – spoonjim (

…the idea of a queer Babadook was first broached on Tumblr — one of the platforms where the internet is made — and then memed into existence, perhaps even earnest existence.” – (, 2017)

Anywhere you see something get “memed into existence”, like funding a startup or stoking a riot, that’s reflexivity.” –(

“But the imaginative investment in Trump, however temporary, reveals something important about politics in the present. If he can be, as posters on 4chan put it, “memed into existence,” then that, but they are not just illusions either.” Final Fantasy, James Duesterberg (

In this modern world, where cuteness is memed into existence, and cats wage an increasingly large scale war against dogs for the position of the internet’s mascot, it’s tough to find genuinely cute animal stories.” – (

Left-wing political commentators often allege that inceldom or ~congenital misogyny~ is causing young men to join modern Sturmabteilung-like groups. Young neo-nazis are frequently labeled as ‘incels’ by many leftist netizens in 2018/2019 America. These accusations may be overblown, or memed into existence, or at the very least an example of Godwin’s Law to some degree.” (

When Romney, had failed to clinch the presidency in 2012, many had blamed the lack of outreach amongst the Asians, Hispanics and Blacks. But Trump, never needed them, and instead was memed into existence by the Alt-right, a fringe network of far-right groups, with the news organisation, Breitbart leading the charge.” (, Jan 2017)

This mod is based on the Nintendo DS game named Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey and its recent remake on the 3DS, as well as other MegaTen games. This mod was basically memed into existence.” – (, 2017)

For the love of all that is kino tweet at john cena and beg him to be Shazam opposite The Rock. It is the only casting choice that needs to be memed into existence” (, 2017)

Did this new protein powder just get memed into existence? Seems like it!” (, 2018)

Cottle’s alarming scenario of a “lunatic fringe” dreaming of a “bigger, bloodier encore” has been memed into existence by so-called terrorism experts, think tank operatives and, of course, members of the editorial board of the New York Times.” (

We must start memeing RWDS [right-wing death squads]. We’ve al-ready memed into existence Tarrant, Ernest [sic], Bowers, Roof [refer-ences to the alleged mass shooters of the Christchurch, Poway, Pittsburgh and Charleston attacks]. … We did so by providing two motives: defending the white race and becoming a hero … memeing lone killers is easily doable. Hell, the Tarrant meme threads spawned two heroes in less than six months and we will doubtless see more. To get them, we only need to keep memeing.” – (, quoting 8chan)