the hardest thing about dealing with being main character’d is managing your psychology, your emotional / physiological response to the feeling/perception of being attacked. I’d recommend writing down all of your thoughts and feelings in a notes app or something but do not post

+1 to not replying, which is the most underappreciated thing. Replying to individuals will get you ensnared in mess.

Zoom out, see the big picture.

Contextualize. Follow up with humanizing elements. You could tweet about / RT unrelated things if you can pull it off earnestly.

Control the frame. People may have valid criticisms, it will be cool to address them properly, but never be rushed or defensive about it. Take your time to think things through. Talk to people you trust about it, both ppl who see the context and people who aren’t familiar at all.

also, if you’re a baller, use the opportunity to plug your work in a cheerful and unfazed way. Difficult times, haters, etc are all actually a tremendous opportunity in disguise: they give you the chance to demonstrate your qualities under fire. This is what we train for.

If you’re not prepared though, it’s probably best to “fail gracefully”. Be quiet. Wait. Above all else do not dig yourself deeper into a pit. Most people will move on and get distracted in a matter of days. Hey you can finally log off and read that book you’ve been meaning to.

My plea to the people who can handle it: do not despair and do not quit. Rest if you must. Return stronger. People who have been through the wringer and emerged intact have a searing quality than untested people don’t. Continue to learn and grow and become better in every way