It’s interesting how often the phrase “elitism” comes up when I solicit feedback from others. I’m aware that this will come across as defensive or denialist, but I have carefully considered it for quite a long time and I don’t really agree. We mean different things, maybe

I went to school with some actual elitists, kids from wealthy families with prestigious pedigrees and whatnot. I’ve seen how they talk, how they think, how they relate to others (commoners, peasants). It always disgusted me. I never wanted anything to do with that

If I’m elitist, I’m elitist the way a commando special forces unit is elitist. I want to associate with the best people I can find. But, importantly, I truly believe that the best people can come from everywhere. Look at my social graph and you’ll see this to be true

I’m deeply revulsed by gatekeeping and exclusion on the grounds of a person’s identity or background. A lot of what I do- publish stuff online, where people can mock me – is to help find and connect smart kids who are disconnected and disenfranchised.

“Oh but why are you focusing on smart kids? Dumb kids need love and attention too!” I absolutely agree that dumb kids need love too. In fact I was torn about this for many years. But I’ve come to focus on quality because I’ve found that it grows and compounds better

And importantly, I don’t write people off. I reply to as many DMs as I possibly can. I’ve spent hours talking to suicidal teenagers who will never be able to do anything for me in return. It pains me that I have to develop heuristics for “filtering” people but volume is volume

I also spend a lot of time looking for great people to introduce to each other- people who aren’t famous, don’t have a big following. Maybe this isn’t obvious? I try to help friendly nerds who aren’t ambitious, too.

But the reason I keep an eye out for the ambitious ones is because they have the executive function to help many more other people in turn. I think of this as the opposite of being elitist. I don’t want some snooty club of self-obsessed wankers. I want people who help others

I’m sure all of the responses were in good faith. I did ask for criticisms and input! and I love you all for responding. I appreciate the perspective. This is just to share how I see it. And I’m surely still wrong about some stuff, still missing some things, etc