wordvomit 0850– just describe stuff bro

even opening a twisty plastic bottlecap from a bottle of water is something that’s more complex than anybody typically realizes when they’re doing it. When the cap is on tight, first you use a “heavy/tight” grip, maybe with the thumb and forefinger, or maybe with the whole fist. There are multiple ways of doing it. You probably have a favorite method and have never particularly thought about it. If the cap is screwed on really tight, then you may find yourself alternating between different methods. Once you get the bottlecap untightened, one typically switches to a “light/loose” grip.  I’ve now spent something like a hundred words trying to describe opening a bottle of water, and the specifics of my description of the grips aren’t even particularly detailed or accurate – I’m trusting that you’ve opened a bottle of water before and that you can figure out how to do it. You watch someone do it, you try it yourself, you figure it out really quickly through simple trial-and-error.

Now think about the challenge of explaining or describing anything else that’s more complicated than opening a bottle of water. And think about how we somehow manage to get by regardless.