I’ve written a lot about constraints over the years, and this blogpost strikes me as the best “master switchboard” to use to link to everything else. The thing that gets linked and referenced most is this 2019 twitter thread. In 2022 I wrote a substack essay trying to contextualize this, which is Dancing With Constraints (pt 1). I will probably do a Part 2 sometime in 2023.

In 2015 I wrote a series of 3 wordvomits about “the joy of working with constraints” – Part 1, Part 2, Part 3. They now feel quite dated – they were representative of a time when I was really struggling to make sense of myself and the world. I’ll probably edit it down into a couple of paragraphs, and/or make it a part of the second substack essay.

A lot of my thinking on constraints was in turn influenced by Tiago Forte‘s thoughts on the subject: Theory of Constraints (fortelabs.com).

Last updated: 4th Jan 2023