2,000 copies of F.A.N sold!
2023 update: crossed 3,000 in June of this year! ✱ Today is October 16, 2021, and I just sold my 2000th copy of Friendly Ambitious Nerd! I made a video in March 2020 when I released it: rewatching it now, I came up with the idea Feb 2nd, made it available for preorder on 3rd […]
constructive ADHD
this is a placeholder blogpost that will be updated with all my ADHD content I’m a fan of the phrase “constructive ADHD”, more so than say “productive ADHD”, because it makes me think of building things. lego. minecraft. cathedrals. skyscrapers. elaborate, byzantine, complex mindcities. learn to use the machine-gun mind effectively. I will be assembling […]
unlearning coercion
It took me a long time (maybe 10-15 years?) to properly realize that I was in an abusive relationship with myself, where my self-talk was contaminated with the language of coercion. Working on an ebook about this, UNLEARNING COERCION: https://gum.co/coercionbook “high agency” and “growth mindset” are roughly the same thing, and it’s also connected to […]
🌉 friends I met in SF
I was going through my photos and I wanted to keep track of all the people I met. Unfortunately sometimes I met someone and didn’t take a picture… I’m definitely going to be extra-meticulous about this in future trips.
⏩ ages 17 to 29
Dear Visa-17, Visa-29 here. So I recently got on a Singapore Airlines plane (I know, finally!) and flew across the planet to San Francisco, California. It was, in my opinion, the best two weeks of my life. I have so much to say about it that I don’t know where to begin – until I […]
📷 my life in pictures
This post exists to help me, at a glance, get a sense of my own life over the years. 1990 – 1996 1998 2001 2003 2004 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
🍳 Breakfast AMAs

Every so often I have breakfast alone, and I ask Twitter to ask me questions. I enjoy it a lot – I find it to be a great way of getting out of my own head and getting a sense of what other people are thinking. Here are some of the questions people have been […]
a sitemap of my memoirs
I have always been a somewhat scatter-brained person, and I’ve also always felt this sort of compulsion to catalog everything. The hope, I think, is that indexing everything would somehow make my life better – that I would “learn my lessons” better. Anyway. Over the years, I’ve definitely written a bunch of things that are memoir-ish. I’ll index them […]
🙏🏾 an oral history of my relationship with religion

Thought I’d write about my thoughts about religion, and how my perspective on it has changed from my childhood to the present day. I was raised in a Hindu household. We didn’t eat any beef. We went to the temples on special occasions. My mum had an altar with a pantheon of gods, and she’d […]