I have a lot to say about this, have been sketching drafts of this over and over, never quite satisfied, so here is a dump of notes. to be updated
Advanced Stupid is a phase I’ve found myself using to describe how intelligent people can be exceptionally destructive, to themselves and others. A regular stupid can only do a moderate amount of damage, but an Advanced Stupid can do excess damage.
Advanced Stupid is when you keep optimizing something that’s bad for you.
“some people use wealth and intelligence to become Advanced Stupid, ie use their higher-level freedom to spiral into becoming more miserable”
On SBF and Caroline Ellison (worldoptimization.tumblr.com): “Upside might seem unbounded in theory but it’s always bounded in practice by a pesky thing called reality. This imo in essence what the Midas parable is about, and it’s also what I’m talking about when I talk about Advanced Stupid.”
A great mind should be able to optimize for survival, and remain alive. Advanced Stupid is when you use your bigbrain computational powers to compute for something so byzantine and complex that you forget to survive, and die/fail.
Advanced Stupid is when you experience sadness, loneliness, etc – and instead of taking steps to address those things, you decide that you must first Understand And Solve The Entire Human Condition. It’s when you spend years researching how to get fit instead of going for a walk and doing some pushups. It’s when you get so swept up in theory and hypotheticals that you forget to face reality. Part of it is lacking the humility and sense to really appreciate that, no matter how good your theory is, it is not reality.
Advanced Stupid is like having a car with a powerful engine that goes really fast. It means that your accidents are going to be much more explosive, destructive, and you’re going to want to design for this.
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