
A year of content marketing.

I started work at ReferralCandy in February 2013. It’s easily been the most interesting, exciting and challenging year o

October 2012

I have many thoughts on my mind, and sometimes they immobilize me. So I should start by writing them down. 1: I’d like t

My Goals as a Tutor

I intend to be a tutor and mentor to Singaporean teenagers once I’m done re-taking my A-levels. There are many tutors ou

starting plans

Yesterday I met my mentor-figure who helped to get me all fired up. I got home, tried to do some work, ended up getting distra

My bank balance from Oct 2010 to Feb 2011

The last time I talked about money was back in May 2011. The story goes on, and here’s how it’s looked like since


I don’t think we talk enough about money. It’s kind of a sensitive topic- it’s not nice to talk about how mu

Gamifying Education + Can We Make People Care?

Games People Play It’s interesting to listen to what people talk about: girls talking about fashion, boys talking about

Week 72? Building Routines.

Or is it 73? I admit, I lost track! I lost my notebook, and then I got a bit depressed and kind of lost track of things. Anywa

20 Weeks Left: What I’m going to do when it’s over!

There was a disruption in my 90 Week Project, and I haven’t been updating the blog aspect of it since about week 53. BMT

The First Thirty Weeks.

The following is a summary of the first 30 weeks of my 90 Week Project. Week 1: Philosophical introspection during gym workout

How I started tracking my life, Part 2

Continuing where we left off from How I started tracking my life, Part 1: You can see that I started with a monthly perspectiv

Self-mastery and the journey of the hero.

β€œThe unexamined life is not worth living.” -Socrates (socratic method used to teach) “You can have no dominion great

The University Dilemma

2014 Update: I didn’t go to University in the end. All my applications were turned down. I ended up working for Referral

New Year Resolutions 2011

TLDR: Save money, reading schedule, blog, smoke less, drink water, journal, build habits, meditate, declutter, play music. ===

Self-Assessment: goals, routines, habits and hesitation

Time for a bit of introspective reflection and philosophical spring cleaning! Online Productivity: I’ve gotten a Grooves