Turn curiosities into essays
This is an old note that’s interesting because it was from a while after I left my job, but before I started really succ
Why do I argue with people on the internet?
I wrote this because I wanted to make sense of a habit that I have, and to modify it so it serves me better. I think the impor
How do you know yourself?
Start by realizing and accepting that it’s okay not to “know yourself.” Knowing yourself is a process and a
Potential Blog Posts
Cigarette-smoking model of action Personal responsibility & falling sick What I learnt from Save vs Smile Heat model of ch
My name is Visa, and I want
to be absolutely honest, heart-wrenching, torn and true to burn with fiery passion, to glow an unearthly hue like Lennon and M
How My Mind Works: Mind Explosion
Every once in a while- and these moments are exceptional, rare and intense- I have what I might describe as a mind explosion.
Questions 16 and 26
As requested by Bianca! q16. How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy? That’s an interesting
Question & Answer Time!
A friend posted these questions on her blog without expecting any answers, and I liked them so much I couldn’t help but
the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do in my life
is to face up to myself. Because all my charm, persuasiveness, eloquence and wit is worthless against someone who is capable o
On binging, and moderation.
I want to talk about binging. We all know that too much of anything isn’t very good. Excessive beer, cigarettes, food, e
Humility to me is knowing and acknowledging my limitations, flaws, weaknesses, shortcomings. How am I supposed to behave in ci
is anybody out there
It would usually be accurate if you described me as “the guy who always has something to say”. Right now, though,
dealing with that familiar empty feeling
 “It’s lackadaisical days like today that make me realise how empty my life is. Something is missing; Ambition? D
x04: i am a writer.
I was doing some soul-searching last night and I had one of my innumerable pseudo-epiphanies: I am a writer. Writing is what I
The List (content ideas)
This is a rough framework. You don’t need to understand this. I barely do, myself. Some things repeat themselves because
back on task
I’ve been away for longer than I intended to- actually it hasn’t been all that long, and I used to spend much long
the feeling is a good thing
“It’s lackadaisical days like today that make me realise how empty my life is. Something is missing; Ambition? Dir
the joy of exhaustion (shangrila)
I didn’t blog last night because I was really way too bloody tired and had to go to sleep. I’ve been working at th
2010 review – inflated sense of self-worth
New years are fun and exciting when you’re a kid, perhaps because you’re told that they’re fun and exciting-
on purpose.
(the following entry is a lot of rambling and needs editing. read at your own peril.) Life is like a massive RPG. It is well a
#01: A day in the life.
The day begins. My mum wakes me up, worried I’d be late for school. I’m strongly tempted to whine or complain. I c
didn’t seem that long ago
Does anybody else feel like the year 2000 wasn’t too long ago? It amazes me that: – I will be 19 years old in 8 mo
vivid bass odessey dream
I’m late for LAN with the boys but I’m not leaving until I blog what’s on my mind, because I promised myself
feeling good
It’s 11:49 am- the police came to my door again, looking apologetic as ever. My neighbour has a tendency to call the pol
Fallen ill- not terribly, terribly ill, but bad enough. I haven’t studied in a week, and I haven’t been to the gym
stolen from mariam
Since I’m quite bored now.. 1) THREE NAMES YOU GO BY: – Visa – Visakan – Indian, Mortal Retard (courte
tagged by jacqueline
1) At what age do you wish to marry? Age is not confined to a number, but if I had to estimate, probably about 28-30. Honestly
visa selamat
I just broke into my own house after my parents locked me out. They want me to be back at 10pm every day after I got suspended
want to work in media
Interesting days. My body clock has been screwing up the past couple of weeks with me sleeping at 4am and waking up at 1pm, th
at the end of the day
As you start to encounter more people, it gets harder to watch everything you say or do, easier to give the wrong impression,
a temple, a higher law
The Harry Potter series is all about love- Harry’s parents love for him, Harry’s love for his friends, the love am
since i was a kid i’ve always been an attention whore lead singer disease must be center of attention must always have t
silly boy
do you move on with a broken past bleed patterns dancing on shattered glass warm your skin with meaningless lust bask in the c
Transcending the limitations that we impose on ourselves: Our Identities.
Who are you? What are you like? What do you like? What do you do? Simple questions to ask, but complex ones to answer. There a