2016 wordvomit overview
#know yourself What do you want Weaknesses #convictions support yourself regulate your #emotions / psyche #manage yo
Most of my thoughts about education, school, university, learning.
When you’re still in the early stages of your formal education, you have a pretty good idea about what the next year will br
Summary of entire blog, part 4 (2012)
Continuing where I left off in Part 3… Personal Development: How to live, and other final 2011 thoughts. Worried about m
summary of entire blog part 3
In part 2 (over a year ago!), I summarized my blog up to the middle of 2011. Let’s continue. Singapore: The danger of
Introducing My Super Secret Mailing List
Hi. Sometimes there are things that I want to say, but don’t entirely feel comfortable sharing in a space as public as m
summary of entire blog, part 2
In part 1Â I summarized all blog posts until the end of 2010. So here we begin with 2011. Mandatory New Year Post 2011Â 2010 y
summary of entire blog, part 1
(part 2, part 3, part 4) Gig Reviews: Stasis 10: Curtain Call Baybeats 08 Results Flybar & Ronin Valentine’s LetterÂ
What 2013 Visa has to say about 2008 Visa’s writing.
In this post, I criticize the writing of the first post on my blog, 5 years later. Here’s the original post. 2008: R
Daily Rambling: On the forgotten art form, the ramble
I don’t understand why I can’t sit down and keep writing the way I used to be able to. Or perhaps I was never actu