chaos surfing
(tbc) A thing I get a lot is “visa seems very good at being extremely online and yet remaining somewhat well-adjusted, emoti
in other words
This world has lost its glory / Let’s start a brand new story now, my love… “The limits of my language are the limit
to labor together
a project is anything that requires collaboration, even if only with yourself My secondary school motto was “Nil Sine Labore
Erasmus Mersenne Jadav Dashrath Wang yinji abdallah Chola Jane jacobs, mixed uses, wealth creation, sidewalks, strangers
how to be a self-directed indie scholar
Here’s my backstory, my approach, my beliefs. First, I believe the core thing is that you have to have a personal set of cur
socially inherited bloatware
(2019nov thread) had several conversations w/ friends who’ve been incapacitated by the burdensome bullshit obligation to
the invitation: stop fussing
There are few things I dislike more than people telling me what to do. So this is not a directive. This is an invitation. You
leadership and responsibility
prev: do whatever the fuck you want I didn’t grow up wanting to be a leader. I grew up wanting to have fun. And leadership o
Do Whatever The Fuck You Want
(written ~Dec 2020?) When I was a teenager there was a Singaporean band that I really liked called Ronin, and one of their son
how to weave a hyperthread web
“Everything rests upon Me, as pearls are strung on a thread.” – Lord Krishna to Arjuna, Bhagavad-gita, Chapter 7.7 In hi
timing like a state
We have colonized time just the way we have colonized space – and our wild, natural rhythms are in a sense contained and imp
jamming studios
The first jamming studio that was a significant part of my life was some dingy place in Clarke Quay. I don’t remember the na
making sense of bullshit-ville
To be born into modern human civilization is both a great privilege (for the safety and opportunities it provides) and a rathe