
Schools are powerful, outdated tools of social programming

Why does this post exist? I haven’t been in school in over a decade, but it had a debilitating effect on me and I want t

Most of my thoughts about education, school, university, learning.

When you’re still in the early stages of your formal education, you have a pretty good idea about what the next year will br

independent thinking will be the new literacy

I sometimes run into people who call themselves realists and say “Look, Visa, some people are just stupid- MOST people a

Links useful to me when studying as a Private A Level Candidate

(This post is incomplete but I just gotta put it out there) Once you’ve picked your subjects, I think the most important

RE: The future of education

Prediction: education will be disrupted from without before it is reformed from within. Bureaucracy and legacy will keep exist

Revolutionize Education, make learning fun

I’ve been watching more TED Talks recently- and I’ve stumbled upon a few gems. I’ve decided I’m going

No, I Won’t Be Going To University [2012]

I wrote this in December 2012. I have been thinking about the University question for some time, and I decided to get some inp

Why is there nothing in A Level Economics about commercial banks?

Here’s something I’ve been quite frustrated about. As I’ve revisited “A” Level Economics, I stil

How I’m studying as an ‘A’ Levels Private Candidate

After choosing my subjects, the first thing I wanted to do was to get very intimately acquainted with my syllabus. It’s

Studying H2 Literature as a Private Candidate, pt 1

First of all, after making the decision to do H2 Literature, I have to pick my texts. Here are my choices: Section B: Prose *

W17D2- a teacher’s passion

I’ve decided to make it a point to start writing something every day. This is not a new decision but it’s another

W11D2: Acquiring and Filling New Meters

I’m noticing an increase in hits coming from people searching for information on students taking their A Levels as priva

Taking your GCE ‘A’ Levels as a Private Candidate

Someone dropped by my Tumblr to ask me to write a post about my experience re-taking my A Levels as a private candidate. Here

Schools should learn from video games.

Games evolve faster than school does. A lot of guys I knew growing up, myself included, preferred playing video games to going

Junior College sucked for me.

It occurs to me that there are quite a few JC students who read my blog. Someone linked to one my articles, writing “I w

Accessible lectures on YouTube superior to what you’ll get in school

It’s really interesting to study Mathematics through YouTube. The lecturers are compelled to make their lectures good, b

SS01: Defining ‘Education’

The meaning of schools and education has changed over time. We tend to think of education in a limited sense- go to an academi

Gamifying Education + Can We Make People Care?

Games People Play It’s interesting to listen to what people talk about: girls talking about fashion, boys talking about

Didn’t make it to leadership school? Build your own!

I had a class reunion the other day and I got to talk to one of my classmates who completed his national service as a commissi

The 3 Practical Things We Need To Teach Our Kids

We need to teach kids Operacy- that is, how to function effectively, how to operate as a human being. Bodily functions are rar

The University Dilemma

2014 Update: I didn’t go to University in the end. All my applications were turned down. I ended up working for Referral

“Gifted” is a label that can discourage hard work

2014 summary: Used to be a minimum-effort student who was proud of how little effort I needed to get by. Now wish I had learn

the inadequacy of critical thinking

It bothers me when critical thinking is portrayed as the Holy Grail of thought and intellectual firepower- as if we could solv