Why should we blog?
It’s always been self-evident to me, but let me try to spell it out. A blog is the intersection of conversations and boo
Stuff I wrote down while watching A Conversation With Elon Musk (and Salman Khan)
I wrote this while watching Salman Khan having a conversation with Elon Musk, this is what stood out to me. Thought I’d
self-development is self-destruction, by xavier koh
“There’s a particular self-development paradox I’ve consistently encountered, but haven’t managed to g
how you find yourself ah
that time you in NS. coz you say after you ORD you lost how you find yourself ah go back to the basics and make sure to keep
career guidance
Ever considered teaching writing skills? Or even being a consultant for social media / training? PR is a possibility but you m
education, woodshedding
though if i take things in perspective i am being nitpicky and missing the larger point of education what is the larger point
conversating about conversation
Dear Visakan, On your Quora profile and in your blog I read that you are interested in conversations. I’m curious about
just another cockanathan
XK Just want to muse with you have you ever felt VV your cock? no XK that as you attain more experience it’s almost as i
Meeting Dr. Bruce Hood
I had the wonderful honour of having an “interview” with Dr. Bruce Hood today, courtesy of Campus Magazine. (It wa
On entrepreneurship, and who I write for.
People who attend entrepreneurship workshops, I feel, are probably from a very specific subset of people. Singapore needs more
Consciousness and The Art Of Surrender
We can’t help but look at attractive people. I don’t mean that figuratively- I mean really, we can’t. They c
conversations with alfian saat, 1
(Edited slightly for readability) Hey Alfian! Up so late ah? Ya lah what to do. Nightbird yo. Hahaha. Eh, I’ve been toy
“What to do after ORD?” A conversation about purpose and intent.
What do you mean when you say that University education has limited value? Do you have any plans to work around that fact? Ok
Is it okay for guys to cry?
The word “cry” is like the word “love” or the word “friend”. What does it mean? Different
homophobic remarks, 2009
If a friend or relative makes a racist or homophobic remark, do you tend to confront them or let it slide? Are you more likely
Conversation on communication, hive minds, morality, God and the Universe
There’s a concept that Tor Norretranders (a Dutch physicist) brings up in his book The User Illusion. It’s called
conversations on systems
on a unrelated note i really am pretty damn exhilarated about my systems thingy lol i kinda get your general gist, but it̵
conversation- doubt
so ever since like a few weeks after i enlisted i’ve been keeping track of my life, which i never bothered doing properl
conversation: phase-cycling
increased sleep as in i’m not sleeping right now, obviously but experimenting with it feel physically a bit tired but me
conversation about the future
I meant to write a long blog post but got distracted by a fun conversation on MSN, so I thought I’d share! Enjoy. Aye
is there anything at all about yourself that pisses you off? {:
That’s actually a very complex question, so I hope you don’t mind a slightly complex answer- I’ll try to kee
The Lumberjack, The Major and The Conductor
A familiar parable: The wise lumberjack knows that the most important thing he needs to do before he fells a tree is to sharpe
I have some questions for you.
Are you physically fit? Healthy? Are your eyes, teeth, heart, back, knees, ears in good shape? How would it feel if you lost t
Questions 16 and 26
As requested by Bianca! q16. How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy? That’s an interesting
Question & Answer Time!
A friend posted these questions on her blog without expecting any answers, and I liked them so much I couldn’t help but
“50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind.”
Because sometimes asking the right questions is the answer. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? Which i
A friend told me the other day that one of the secrets to a successful relationship is as follows: When having an argument to