“Talent. The talent of some men appears slighter than it is because they have always set themselves tasks that are
A letter to my younger self, on the trip of our life
Dear Visa-17, Visa-29 here. So I recently got on a Singapore Airlines plane (I know, finally!) and flew across the planet to S
Relationships are challenging + a lot of work
Preamble: Hello everyone! This post has been getting shared a little bit, so I thought it might be worth taking some time to p
‘Smart Writing’ is about cultivating taste, suspending judgement and chasing your curiosity
I saw someone tweet “I wish smart writing came to me as easily as dumb tweeting” — and so I am here to share my strategy
I used to be a picky eater
I saw somebody make fun of picky eaters on Twitter, and I felt compelled to write about my own experiences. I was like this my
Parents, peers and other benevolent plagues
Originally posted on visakanv.com/1000/ I’ve been reflecting on how people get into drinking and smoking and drugs. And by e
Beating yourself up is egotistic
When I was a kid, I was stuck in a very silly cycle. I’d get home from school every day and I’d avoid doing my homework fo
4 years together
Fun fact: Sharan Kaur and I got married 4 years ago today. It was kind of a secret. We did it over milkshakes and hotdogs at a
When arguing, strive to understand context
— 1. When arguing, seek to understand context — [Published 2016] Roughly between ages 13 and 23 I was thoroughly convinced
An Analysis of Power And Social Dynamics In ‘Mean Girls’
Theory: The movie has such enduring power and is quoted so much because it sheds some incredible light on real sociological ph
Beware the moral failing fallacy
SELF-LOVE AND THE “MORAL FAILING” FALLACY: Here’s something that’s taken me a long time to be able to
One must imagine Sisyphus LOL-ing
Life, particularly in modern civilization, is an absurd circus. We’re all clowns living in boxes trying to amuse ourselves w
Pondering the heat death of the universe
(I wrote this in 2013 in a a conversation with a friend, and decided to tidy it up a little and publish it for future referenc
Bookmarks that I often share with friends
Disclaimer – I find these reads interesting. I don’t necessarily agree with them. #Bestof / Most Shared These are li
How to build and maintain communities
This blogpost started out as a bunch of notes and links, and I found myself sharing it with people over and over again so much
On productivity, evolution and conversations
I often pay lipservice to productivity, and I’ll be the first one to acknowledge it. It’s mostly in an attempt to