On faith.

Before anything else I think it’s important to begin by discussing faith. We are all creatures of faith, whether we real

I like to convince myself that it doesn’t matter

but I know it does. Because I admired you then, and though I realise that I was obsessed with what you stood for to me, and th

conversation- doubt

so ever since like a few weeks after i enlisted i’ve been keeping track of my life, which i never bothered doing properl


we live for the moments that we are alive, we long for the moments that last forever, transcending the mortality of our lips,

Potential Blog Posts

Cigarette-smoking model of action Personal responsibility & falling sick What I learnt from Save vs Smile Heat model of ch

conversation: phase-cycling

increased sleep as in i’m not sleeping right now, obviously but experimenting with it feel physically a bit tired but me

Routine Analysis: Week 30: The Next Stage.

Successful people have productive routines. It’s painfully obvious that if you want to be successful, you’re going

gopnik’s information

Originally published on The New Yorker in 2011. (newyorker.com, archive.org) When the first Harry Potter book appeared, in 199

so many of you have the same fucking problems

it’s ridiculous, you’re intelligent people, you can and should know better and learn to find solutions! STOP COMPA

conversation about the future

I meant to write a long blog post but got distracted by a fun conversation on MSN, so I thought I’d share! Enjoy. ļ»æAye


It is 2:25am and I am alone. The air is still, and cold. I am not wearing a shirt. I light my cigarette with the open flame at

assorted 2011 thoughts

creativity is just persistence and keen observation My posts get a lot better if I give myself time and space to talk nonsense


Garage, dirty tie… blame on the garage.. relatives? I think my brother in law- asked me to check out his garage- at whic

The importance of re-reading books

I think it’s very important to re-read books. I think it’s very difficult if not impossible for anybody to distill

Language, Communication and Designing for Maximum Human Immersion

Updated in September 2014. The Challenge of Communication We often have to communicate with ourselves to better understand wha

I don’t have to write.

I don’t need to write. It is not an addiction, not a compulsion, I could stop at any time. I write because I like to. It

The University Dilemma

2014 Update: I didn’t go to University in the end. All my applications were turned down. I ended up working for Referral

Week 24.

Wow, 6 more weeks and I’ll be done with a third of this movement! I want to keep this clear and succinct, and focus on w

Figuring out the most important question.

What’s the most important question you can think of? Let me go through a few ideas: “Where do we come from? Why ar

is there anything at all about yourself that pisses you off? {:

That’s actually a very complex question, so I hope you don’t mind a slightly complex answer- I’ll try to kee

The Challenges

I’ve never worked at anything in my life as hard as I do when I play video games. Your first thought might be “Wow

Promise me something.

This 2011, promise me that youā€™ll pursue something that excites you. Do something that makes you want to wake up in the morn

Mandatory New Year Post [2011]

2010 was a year of reflection for me, of contemplation, self-assessment, observation, study, understanding, learning. 2011 wil

my cab fare home came to $11.60 today. I had $15, and told the cab driver to keep the change- he’d been telling me about


seize her little hand and never let go, carve her out a heart and shield her bones, live her a life lest it dares to unfold, s

There are no bad experiences.

There are no bad experiences. Getting your leg blown off would suck. Getting raped is a terrible, traumatic thing. There are f


How do you describe the act of personal growth? Did I simply “experience” it, as if it were a passing emotion? Did

The Lumberjack, The Major and The Conductor

A familiar parable: The wise lumberjack knows that the most important thing he needs to do before he fells a tree is to sharpe

Things I’d Like To Work On

A blog is an interesting place, an interesting thing to be responsible for, an interesting medium, a vehicle for thought and e

Conditional self-esteem is a losing game.

I’ve lately been thinking a lot about concepts like self-esteem, ego, identity, you know the drill. Well, I’ve alw

I’m actually beginning to feel like I might not need this place at all, that it’s become a sort of dead space that

How to save Singapore.

Alan Shadrake is, in my opinion, an idiot. John Locke would’ve described him as a rational madman, a person who follows

New Year Resolutions 2011

TLDR: Save money, reading schedule, blog, smoke less, drink water, journal, build habits, meditate, declutter, play music. ===

What I’ve learnt this year.

This year I’ve developed a better understanding of how my mind works, how society works, how ideas and social epidemics

losing friends

You know what’s strange and interesting? To observe a person who had once let you in, but now shuts you out. Don’t

Why I believe in people.

I sometimes get asked, “Visa, why are you so optimistic/deluded? Why do you believe in people? Why do you care about peo

a spot of difficulty

If I were feeling what I were feeling right now a year or two ago, I would be feeling very melancholic and existentialist righ

Self-Assessment: goals, routines, habits and hesitation

Time for a bit of introspective reflection and philosophical spring cleaning! Online Productivity: I’ve gotten a Grooves


you fucking shameless blackmailing cunts, WHY am I obligated to do this for you?! aiyoh. never mind. suck thumb. do only. tsk.

snippets of my life

I’m an ordinary guy. I found school to be generally boring and uninspiring, so I almost never did any homework, often cu

snippets of memoirs

I’m an ordinary guy. I found school to be generally boring and uninspiring, so I almost never did any homework, often cu

finding non-directed purpose ā€“ from mediocrity to excellence

Okay let’s have some stream-of-consciousness style thinking and writing going on here. Our conventional ideas about idea

@Lord_Voldemort7 vs @perezhilton

“I received a large number of response to a tweet I wrote about @perezhilton. My comment, for those that did not see it


After almost 3 years, I am proud to say that I am finally well and truly over it/her/that! Feels so good. šŸ˜€

I am so sexually frustrated it’s really not even funny any more.

I still fuck up all the time

I’m not sure if there’s any difference in the amount of times I’m fucking up, or with the severity of these

How to deal with an existential crisis.

Imagine that you’re having a walk that’s generally unremarkable, in an unremarkable locale, surrounded by unremark

Marginal differences make a difference

Updated 2014. It’s interestingĀ how weĀ categorizeĀ people into smokers and non-smokers. You’re in or you’re

I have some questions for you.

Are you physically fit? Healthy? Are your eyes, teeth, heart, back, knees, ears in good shape? How would it feel if you lost t

I have some questions for you.

Are you physically fit? Healthy? Are your eyes, teeth, heart, back, knees, ears in good shape? How would it feel if you lost t

“Gifted” is a label that can discourage hard work

2014 summary:Ā Used to be a minimum-effort student who was proud of how little effort I needed to get by. Now wish I had learn

illness as opportunity

I am sick as I write this- literally physically ill, with a throat infection. I often seem to fall sick more than the average

fuck you! (ooo,ooo,ooo!)

I used to be really ignorant, arrogant, narcissistic, self-absorbed and insensitive. You guys know this better than I do. Then

On Efficiency

Efficiency gives me pleasure, and inefficiency bothers me, often making me irritable and frustrated. This might sound like a s

kimmy & fran

get tumblrs lah both of you! it’s like livejournal but better. >_> but i’ll still post here from time to time

moving on

I never really got very comfortable with livejournal, so i’ve moved on- visaisahero.wordpress.com for my more journalist

My name is Visa, and I want

to be absolutely honest, heart-wrenching, torn and true to burn with fiery passion, to glow an unearthly hue like Lennon and M

How My Mind Works: Mind Explosion

Every once in a while- and these moments are exceptional, rare and intense- I have what I might describe as a mind explosion.

John Mayer, on life.

I wish that when I was younger I could have met my current self. We would have sat down at a coffee shop so that I could expla

for you

I post this here because I don’t want to make a big scene about it, and because I think you read this. Don’t talk

Questions 16 and 26

As requested by Bianca! q16. How come the things that make you happy donā€™t make everyone happy? That’s an interesting

Question & Answer Time!

A friend posted these questions on her blog without expecting any answers, and I liked them so much I couldn’t help but

Diminishing the nicotine dependence.

I have to confess that I haven’t completely quit smoking. I do still often go several days without smoking, and I no lon

Awesome Quotes from Margaret Mead

SEGMENTING LIFEGAME = BULLSHIT “It is utterly false and cruelly arbitrary to put all the play and learning into childhoo

the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do in my life

is to face up to myself. Because all my charm, persuasiveness, eloquence and wit is worthless against someone who is capable o

Wouldn’t it be nice if

Everybody who read anybody else’s blog were obligated and/or compelled to leave some form of acknowledgement? I imagine

On fearlessness, andĀ enemies

If victory is the notion of no enemy, then the whole world is a friend. The true warrior is not like a person carrying a sword


On binging, andĀ moderation.

I want to talk about binging. We all know that too much of anything isn’t very good. Excessive beer, cigarettes, food, e

check out my kickass wealth of knowledge

look at that badass motherfucker

Daily tracking.

Any video gamer knows that your status bar is one of the most important things that you need to pay attention to. The informat

what do you choose?

I choose to fight, to live, to love. I choose to think, to cherish, to learn. I choose to try, to fail, to try again. I choose

Perfectionism as an excuse.

I understand that the previous post may not completely make sense. It is also not as efficient, effective and straightforward


I try to maintain my composure, but I’m really becoming a much more volatile, angry person on the inside. Be responsible

“50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind.”

Because sometimes asking the right questions is the answer. How old would you be if you didnā€™t know how old you are? Which i

Why I am becoming an increasingly irritable person, and how I’m dealing with it.

Recently, I get really frustrated whenever I perceive people behaving in ways that I deem unbecoming. Why is this? One possibl

dear visa

We need to talk! šŸ˜€ It’s think-out-loud time. Balance, effectively, the right-now and the big picture. Ignore neither,

The War Prayer, by MarkĀ Twain

It was a time of great and exalting excitement. The country was up in arms, the war was on, in every breast burned the holy fi


Humility to me is knowing and acknowledging my limitations, flaws, weaknesses, shortcomings. How am I supposed to behave in ci

Books: The God Delusion, by Richard Dawkins

Synopsis The book contains ten chapters. The first few build a case that there is almost certainly no God, while the rest disc

Hayley Williams

it’s my opinion that anyone who is coming onto our band looking for controversy is completely missing the point. the poi

is anybody out there

It would usually be accurate if you described me as “the guy who always has something to say”. Right now, though,

Karl Paulnack’s freshman address

Welcome address to freshman at Boston Conservatory, given by Karl Paulnack, pianist and director of music division at Boston C

Love lives, and to love is to live.

Think of love not as something you fall into, like a rabbit hole of unknowable depths, but as something you grow- like a livin

this fire burns

“Let China sleep, for when she wakes, she will shake the world.”– Napoleon Bonaparte I’ve been ‘

I promise you

I will blow your mind.


Please, Visa, find the strength, fortitude and discipline to do yourself justice. Just keep going. Just keep going. Just keep

dealing with that familiar empty feeling

Ā “It’s lackadaisical days like today that make me realise how empty my life is. Something is missing; Ambition? D


it’s becoming painfully clear to me that I can’t quite live, or experience life on a plane that I was accustomed t

mother’s support for gay son (2000)

Sunday, April 30, 2000 By SHARON UNDERWOOD For the Valley News (White River Junction, VT) Many letters have been sent to the V


Ask me questions and I will answer them! http://www.formspring.me/visaisahero!

to be is to be perceived

My dear friends; as you all know i am an ignoramus who doesn’t realise whenever I step on people’s toes or piss th


I will not be broken.


It seems like every guy thinks that he’s the best seducer because he reads Neil Strauss or the best poker player because


i won’t be posting much for some time, I imagine! Going Tekong later to serve NS! \m/

x13: cockroach.

There used to be a cockroach that always came into this room. I’d always put my feet up on something because cockroaches

Paramoreā€“ you can’t be too careful any more

I’m listening to All We Know Is Falling again after almost two years, maybe. I used to listen to it almost everyday. It&

x12: you can’t be too careful anymore

Tick tock tick tock. I’m listening to All We Know Is Falling again after almost two years, maybe. I remember when I used


my body is on fire and i love it. i haven’t felt this physically in control of myself since… sec 3? since I was fi

x04: i am a writer.

I was doing some soul-searching last night and I had one of my innumerable pseudo-epiphanies: I am a writer. Writing is what I