Accessible lectures on YouTube superior to what you’ll get in school

It’s really interesting to study Mathematics through YouTube. The lecturers are compelled to make their lectures good, b

Swarm Intelligence and God: How we are already are a part of something greater than ourselves.

Have you ever observed an ant colony, and noticed that there appears to be a greater intelligence guiding the ants’ coll

My MBTI Journey: Each new way of seeing can become a new set of blinders

MBTI: I remember when I first encountered MBTI. It was introduced to me over beer, by a friend of a friend. He was a self-prof

My MBTI Journey

MBTI: I remember when I first encountered MBTI. It was introduced to me over beer, by a friend of a friend. He was a self-prof

Games from my childhood

2016: What’s the first video game you ever played? I’m not entirely sure. I recall watching my brothers play games on thei

Charlie Brown’s ‘Cyclopedia

I used to read a lot as a kid, though it never occurred to me that I was. If I ever seem more intelligent than anybody else, i

starting plans

Yesterday I met my mentor-figure who helped to get me all fired up. I got home, tried to do some work, ended up getting distra

The Love Of Reading

My most memorable reading happened on my bed in my parent’s room- I had a little table lamp of sorts that I’d put

Consciousness and The Art Of Surrender

We can’t help but look at attractive people. I don’t mean that figuratively- I mean really, we can’t. They c

Mission: To Interview Singapore’s Prime Minster, Lee Hsien Loong

I want to have prata with Lee Hsien Loong. Or kopi. Or an interview. The question isn’t “do you think it’s p

The day suicide finally made sense to me.

It came to me as I was writing about the breakdown of a relationship. I was thinking about how some of us struggle to realize

What I’ve Learnt (so far!) From Starting My Own Business

I used to doodle ideas for t-shirt slogans on my notebooks. I thought I started doing it last year, but when I was clearing ou

do what you hate

(switchy-switchy here is that you only have strong feelings about thigns that matter to you) I used to play in a band called A

Variation and Selection: A Darwinian Approach To Relationship Success

(A lot of people misunderstand natural selection. Mutations in nature are random and undirected. Human variation, on the other


I secretly worry that I am a burden to my friends, that they don’t want to hear anything from me, that they get annoyed


I want to come home from tampines. I take a bus 10 from somewhere near the interchange. I don’t remember where exactly I

What I Learnt From Having Completed A Half Marathon Without Training

I was in the shower earlier today and I checked out my the big toenail on my right foot. It’s almost completely healed n

What I Learnt From Having My Wisdom Teeth Extracted

(This isn’t my x-ray, but it’s pretty similar. Check out the teeth at the far right of the picture- the left side

wisdom (teeth)

So I pulled my two left wisdom teeth today. I only had 2 cigarettes yesterday- I wasn’t feeling so well, so it was more

9gag and tumblr

Let’s talk about internet memes. I like internet memes. I like using them, and I like seeing them spread, mutate and evo


an important thing I’m learning, I think, or trying to learn, and trying to embody, is that we have to treat our “

Why does altruism exist?

Here’s my shaky hypothesis, which I put together from many casual (and possibly flawed) readings of several different so

Nurse reveals the top 5 regrets people make on their deathbed

“For many years I worked in palliative care. My patients were those who had gone home to die. Some incredibly special t

The Art Of Overanalyzing Text Messages

There have been many great books and articles written about the art of writing- how to write formal letters, how to write love

haha cause sometimes I forget the real reason why I am going to an university and getting an education. ~sidetrack; I believe

Hey Visa, I just wanted to thank you for sharing your thoughts and your philosophies on life in your blog! Sometimes, I forgot

How To Win At Relationships

Some ‘radical’ theorists describe life as a game. This can seem simplistic or even dangerous, but I think it’

Nobody Actually Wants You To Be Yourself

Some of my friends describe me as a megalomaniac. I can’t refute that, because it’s a valid assessment that I ough

A List Of My Favourite Things: Movies

Movies: 20: X-Men: First Class 19: Monty Python and the Holy Grail 18: Scent of a Woman 17: Love, Actually 16: The Incredibles

When you smell the curry…

The other day, me and a group of friends met for coffee and conversations. These meet-ups are spontaneous rather than schedule

My bank balance from Oct 2010 to Feb 2011

The last time I talked about money was back in May 2011. The story goes on, and here’s how it’s looked like since

Habits Through Connections

I have been paying lip service to this for the longest time but it’s finally about time- better late then never- that I

How would you live?

I think a great question to ask is- what sort of life would you (or do you!) envision for yourself if money weren’t an i


I don’t think we talk enough about money. It’s kind of a sensitive topic- it’s not nice to talk about how mu

Great Posts I’ve Read

The Disadvantage of an Elite Education by William Dersiewicz. Welcome address to freshman at Boston Conservatory, by Karl Paul

Running is a break from the neurological rat race

TLDR: Don’t think so much, just run. The reward is a break from the neurological rat race. So today was a normal day. I

Loyalty to country vs. Loyalty to humanity

“No nation was ever so virtuous as each believes itself, and none was ever so wicked as each believes the other.”

dissatisfaction: a source of beauty

It’s not quite politically correct to say it. I mean, we live in a world where there’s multi-billion dollar indust

sitting in the silence

Lately as an atheist I find it exceedingly unnecessarily and even counter-intuitive to even speak of atheism, or of religion.

no chain, no gain

(Original title: Gamification, the power of chains and combos) Chains and combos are strings of actions or events that flow sm

SS01: Defining ‘Education’

The meaning of schools and education has changed over time. We tend to think of education in a limited sense- go to an academi

“hello! Just wanted to tell you that I love your blog! I love its ingenuity, creativity, eloquence, and maturity! Singap

NS memoirs

(originally wrote this for Fever Avenue) This one is for the boys. I’ve had some pretty unique opportunities in my life to e

Things To Do [2012]

This is it. No more hiding, no more cowering in fear. This is the post- or the series of posts, the system and the philosophy

creative struggles

2024: I don’t want to write a substack that has dozens and dozens of posts primarily about my creative struggle. That’s li

Gamifying Education + Can We Make People Care?

Games People Play It’s interesting to listen to what people talk about: girls talking about fashion, boys talking about

The Path Of A Double Pendulum

Look at that. Isn’t that beautiful? Doesn’t it look chaotic, and yet strangely elegant? This is the path of a doub

7sins: Envy

(image courtesy of blackeri) What is lust? Lust is fundamentally about conquest. Nobody lusts after what they already have.

BMT Recourse

There was an interesting thing that happened when I was supposed to go for BMT recourse. I didn’t have all the items I n

“Losers have goals, winners have systems”, by Scott Adams

“The other day I put on my workout clothes and drove to the gym. But when I arrived I didn’t feel like working out

william gibson nyt profile

2012 jan 13 by Pagan Kennedy On one of his trips to New York, William Gibson stopped before an antiques shop that would end up

xav on me being kind in conflict

“It’s fun to be wrong, especially if the person taking you down does so professionally on a nice practice mat, ins

The Death And Life Of Great American Cities, by Jane Jacobs

I borrowed this one from a friend who’s interested in architecture. I didn’t completely appreciate it as I was fli

The Black Swan, by Nassim Taleb

This is one of those life-changers. It doesn’t work as a casual read, because it’s most likely going to challenge

Didn’t make it to leadership school? Build your own!

I had a class reunion the other day and I got to talk to one of my classmates who completed his national service as a commissi

2012 review – it’ll never be perfect so just do it

I didn’t want to do anything for new year’s. I didn’t want to spend money unnecessarily, because lately I

How to live, and other final 2011 thoughts

I didn’t want to do anything for new year’s. I didn’t want to spend money unnecessarily, because lately I


I didn’t want to do anything for new year’s. I didn’t want to spend money unnecessarily, because lately I

The World As I See It, by Albert Einstein

“How strange is the lot of us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he knows not, though he

dear anybody who’s having a rough time

you can talk to me! please do.

Charlie Brown’s ‘Cyclopedia

I used to read a lot as a kid, though it never occurred to me that it was anything unusual. If I ever seem more intelligent th

was it worth it?

During my Signals course, there was a day where we were supposed to make these wire joints- 20 per person. Quite labour-intens

What is your specialization?

If only managing our own lives was as visually appealing! I have a good friend who shares a lot of my ideas about things, but

Are you too smart for your own good?

My dad used to say something like that to me- that the problem with me was that I thought I was too smart to have to deal with

Why you should never “confess your love” to anyone

My humble advice to anybody who starts to fall for your friends- Never, EVER “confess your love” to them.It’

The Man Who Will Not Drive

There once was a guy who swore he’d never ever buy a car. After all, he reasoned, all cars eventually break down and fai

My latest muse:

Here’s an idea I have that’s been stewing in my head for a couple of years that I think is finally begin to emerge

Project Statement

Here’s an idea that I have that I’d like to pursue: T-shirts as conversation starters. I’m tentatively calli

conversations with alfian saat, 1

(Edited slightly for readability) Hey Alfian! Up so late ah? Ya lah what to do. Nightbird yo. Hahaha. Eh, I’ve been toy

Week 72? Building Routines.

Or is it 73? I admit, I lost track! I lost my notebook, and then I got a bit depressed and kind of lost track of things. Anywa

Hacking The 7 Deadly Sins: Gluttony

(image courtesy of blackeri) Gluttony is the untempered drive to consume.  Gluttony is to consumption as lust is to conques

i miss the people who have left i never told them how much they mattered to me

“What to do after ORD?” A conversation about purpose and intent.

What do you mean when you say that University education has limited value? Do you have any plans to work around that fact? Ok


A friend told me the other day that one of the secrets to a successful relationship is as follows: When having an argument to

Best Decision Ever.

What’s your best decision ever? Some things we don’t really decide for ourselves- reading extensively as a child w

The Book Project

Books have always been a huge part of my life. I haven’t always been reading, though- I read a lot as a child, and then

Action and Reflection

I’ve always considered myself a fairly unsystematic person, random and chaotic. After a while though, I began to realize

don’t be a sucker

(original title: Occupy Wall Street: What do you do when the odds are stacked against you?) Wall St shouldn’t be screwin

20 Weeks Left: What I’m going to do when it’s over!

There was a disruption in my 90 Week Project, and I haven’t been updating the blog aspect of it since about week 53. BMT

On productivity, evolution and conversations

I often pay lipservice to productivity, and I’ll be the first one to acknowledge it. It’s mostly in an attempt to

Pragmatism or Idealism? Help people physically, or protest for a cause?

At the most basic level, I value people who get off their ass and DO something more than people who aren’t doing anythin

Dealing with depression, in yourself or in others

I’m always a little suspicious of the “do whatever works” argument, because sometimes what works only works

do you doubt yourself, and if so, why do anything?

I delayed starting my blog, I often left thoughts unexplored and unwritten because I felt like there couldn’t possibly b

Idiot Tax: How much do you pay?

Idiot Tax! That’s what they call the lottery- the tax you pay for being an idiot, because the odds are so heavily agains

“Why do you love me?”

Individuals are far too vast to be reduced to a few factors- we feel more than we can know, and we know more than we can expre

What do you do if you are a self-fulfilling prophet?

What is the pragmatic course of action to take when you are aware that your prediction about the future (to simplify it) is go

Can the Self be localized in the brain?

When you say “all of the self can be localised in the brain”, i’m interested in what you mean by “loca

you can never completely know yourself.

It’s never possible to throw up a bunch of measurable or quantifiable elements and equate them to ‘the Self’

Hacking Delayed Gratification: The Tomorrow-Self

I was never one to deny myself pleasure. I’d eat McDonald’s whenever I could. I was a binger. I’d finish ent

On staying awake and giving a damn.

I used to be able to stay awake in secondary school, at least most of the time. There were moments where I’d drift into

Hacking Serendipitous Conversations (and Facebook), Like An (Elitist) Boss

Originally title ‘Meditations On Staying Awake.’ (Amusingly, I’m translating this from ink to pixels at 3:28

The 3 Practical Things We Need To Teach Our Kids

We need to teach kids Operacy- that is, how to function effectively, how to operate as a human being. Bodily functions are rar

ranks and accomplishments in the military, video games, and everywhere else

Militaries are interesting. If I didn’t find so many other things interesting as well, I’d seriously consider a military c

rambles for progress

More rambling time. Let’s contemplate the evolution of social ideas for a bit- how cultural shifts happen. They’re

3 Phases: Accumulation, Reflection, Creation

I feel like I could reasonably split my life into three phases (so far). The first phase is the phase of accumulation. We̵

What I Learnt From Basic Military Training.

BMT was a fun, interesting and rather meaningful experience for me. Unlike most soldiers, I only experienced it after already

The To-Write List

– How Bruno Mars won me over- I used to think of him as an annoying ladies man wannabe, but I now think of him as a fun-

Transcending the limitations that we impose on ourselves: Our Identities.

Who are you? What are you like? What do you like? What do you do? Simple questions to ask, but complex ones to answer. There a

Is it okay for guys to cry?

The word “cry” is like the word “love” or the word “friend”. What does it mean? Different

A Reader whose life you have improved.

I would like to say that i like your stuff. I like what your thoughts and philosophy about how we are all interconnected and h