
Notes from Seth Godin’s talk at Google

I was watching a talk that Seth Godin gave at Google in 2007. It was uploaded on jul 16, about 3 weeks after the first generat

notes from Anthony Robbins TED talk

Immersion why, what is your motivation today? invisible force of internal drive emotion is the force of life effective people/

Links useful to me when studying as a Private A Level Candidate

(This post is incomplete but I just gotta put it out there) Once you’ve picked your subjects, I think the most important


RELATIONSHIP HACKS: 1: It is remarkably difficult to have an unproductive argument while you’re walking together, and/or

unsorted thoughts

PRACTICAL EVERYDAY LOGIC: I’ve been thinking that there ought to be a universal “practical everyday logic” e

Introducing My Super Secret Mailing List

Hi. Sometimes there are things that I want to say, but don’t entirely feel comfortable sharing in a space as public as m

sia girls makeup

Wait, why is a Perspective writer writing about fashion stuff? Well, fashion can be pretty serious business, ya know.&nbs

summary of entire blog, part 2

In part 1 I summarized all blog posts until the end of 2010. So here we begin with 2011. Mandatory New Year Post 2011 2010 y

10 Facets of Gamification

Achievement: A badge, a level, a reward, or points given to a person for accomplishing something. Levels: Breaking a storyline

summary of entire blog, part 1

Gig Reviews: Stasis 10: Curtain Call Baybeats 08 Results Flybar & Ronin Valentine’s Letter and Juxtapose Wake Up Yo

What 2013 Visa has to say about 2008 Visa’s writing.

In this post, I criticize the writing of the first post on my blog, 5 years later. Here’s the original post. 2008: R

Decluttering my bookmarks

First I’m listing them all out. With reasons. No good reason, delete. Quora: Quora: What could a 20 year old do to impro

How do atheists cope with the moments of despair and loss in their lives?

This is an answer I posted on Quora.com which I am particularly proud of. Atheism: How do atheists cope with the moments of d

building the story

an idea has been tossing around my head for years and years and I plan to get started on it after my a’s- which is to wr


so few people left on livejournal sticking around is vastly underrated as a competitive strategy

Standard Deviation

Standard deviation is a measure of statistical dispersion. It’s the square root of variance. We take the square root bec

How I’m studying as an ‘A’ Levels Private Candidate

After choosing my subjects, the first thing I wanted to do was to get very intimately acquainted with my syllabus. It’s

Studying H2 Literature as a Private Candidate, pt 1

First of all, after making the decision to do H2 Literature, I have to pick my texts. Here are my choices: Section B: Prose *

Thinking about Pete Wentz

I’m thinking about Pete Wentz before I go to bed. I follow him on Twitter. Why? I suppose because he was the bassist and

W17D2- a teacher’s passion

I’ve decided to make it a point to start writing something every day. This is not a new decision but it’s another

W11D2: Acquiring and Filling New Meters

I’m noticing an increase in hits coming from people searching for information on students taking their A Levels as priva

Language Is Beautifully Flawed

Language is a beautiful creature, full of redundancies and flaws. Every word of every language carries with it thousands of ye

Taking your GCE ‘A’ Levels as a Private Candidate

Someone dropped by my Tumblr to ask me to write a post about my experience re-taking my A Levels as a private candidate. Here


I secretly worry that I am a burden to my friends, that they don’t want to hear anything from me, that they get annoyed


I want to come home from tampines. I take a bus 10 from somewhere near the interchange. I don’t remember where exactly I

wisdom (teeth)

So I pulled my two left wisdom teeth today. I only had 2 cigarettes yesterday- I wasn’t feeling so well, so it was more


an important thing I’m learning, I think, or trying to learn, and trying to embody, is that we have to treat our “

Why does altruism exist?

Here’s my shaky hypothesis, which I put together from many casual (and possibly flawed) readings of several different so

haha cause sometimes I forget the real reason why I am going to an university and getting an education. ~sidetrack; I believe

Hey Visa, I just wanted to thank you for sharing your thoughts and your philosophies on life in your blog! Sometimes, I forgot

A List Of My Favourite Things: Movies

Movies: 20: X-Men: First Class 19: Monty Python and the Holy Grail 18: Scent of a Woman 17: Love, Actually 16: The Incredibles

Loyalty to country vs. Loyalty to humanity

“No nation was ever so virtuous as each believes itself, and none was ever so wicked as each believes the other.”

sitting in the silence

Lately as an atheist I find it exceedingly unnecessarily and even counter-intuitive to even speak of atheism, or of religion.

“hello! Just wanted to tell you that I love your blog! I love its ingenuity, creativity, eloquence, and maturity! Singap

NS memoirs

(originally wrote this for Fever Avenue) This one is for the boys. I’ve had some pretty unique opportunities in my life to e

The Path Of A Double Pendulum

Look at that. Isn’t that beautiful? Doesn’t it look chaotic, and yet strangely elegant? This is the path of a doub

7sins: Envy

(image courtesy of blackeri) What is lust? Lust is fundamentally about conquest. Nobody lusts after what they already have.

xav on me being kind in conflict

“It’s fun to be wrong, especially if the person taking you down does so professionally on a nice practice mat, ins


I didn’t want to do anything for new year’s. I didn’t want to spend money unnecessarily, because lately I

dear anybody who’s having a rough time

you can talk to me! please do.

The Man Who Will Not Drive

There once was a guy who swore he’d never ever buy a car. After all, he reasoned, all cars eventually break down and fai

i miss the people who have left i never told them how much they mattered to me

don’t be a sucker

(original title: Occupy Wall Street: What do you do when the odds are stacked against you?) Wall St shouldn’t be screwin

On productivity, evolution and conversations

I often pay lipservice to productivity, and I’ll be the first one to acknowledge it. It’s mostly in an attempt to

Dealing with depression, in yourself or in others

I’m always a little suspicious of the “do whatever works” argument, because sometimes what works only works

“Why do you love me?”

Individuals are far too vast to be reduced to a few factors- we feel more than we can know, and we know more than we can expre

What do you do if you are a self-fulfilling prophet?

What is the pragmatic course of action to take when you are aware that your prediction about the future (to simplify it) is go

Can the Self be localized in the brain?

When you say “all of the self can be localised in the brain”, i’m interested in what you mean by “loca

you can never completely know yourself.

It’s never possible to throw up a bunch of measurable or quantifiable elements and equate them to ‘the Self’

On staying awake and giving a damn.

I used to be able to stay awake in secondary school, at least most of the time. There were moments where I’d drift into

The 3 Practical Things We Need To Teach Our Kids

We need to teach kids Operacy- that is, how to function effectively, how to operate as a human being. Bodily functions are rar

rambles for progress

More rambling time. Let’s contemplate the evolution of social ideas for a bit- how cultural shifts happen. They’re

A Reader whose life you have improved.

I would like to say that i like your stuff. I like what your thoughts and philosophy about how we are all interconnected and h

utilizing decisive bursts

I’ve had some rather unique NS experiences. One of them involved me and my colleagues spending many hours with penknives

explaining my love for self-correcting mechanisms, philosophy and systems

Stereotypical geniuses have highly developed self-correcting mechanisms. They learn from their mistakes and avoid repeating th

Daily Rambling: On the forgotten art form, the ramble

I don’t understand why I can’t sit down and keep writing the way I used to be able to. Or perhaps I was never actu

The passing of Steve Jobs, and what it means for the rest of us

I woke up this morning to messages that Steve Jobs was dead. I wasn’t entirely surprised to hear it- we know he’s

smoking in jc

I picked up smoking sometime around my O Levels, when I was 16- but I never really bought my own cigarettes and carried them a

thoughts on illness, immune systems and weekend warriors

I think I fall sick more often than my peers. I’m not completely sure of this, I don’t have enough data to be conc

nothing to say

Torn between wanting to seek out and ruminate with every last person I have any spiritual affinity with, and throwing myself i

misery and effective decision making

Time and time again I find myself staring into space, overwhelmed with so many choices and options that I end up doing absolut

transactive memory and being a part of something greater

I like to think that almost every single thing in the universe is a part of something greater than itself, and I think as soci

On regrets, fragility, certainty and forks in the road

Do you have any regrets? It’s one of those questions that’s thrown around so often that we don’t really thin

everything and nothing

It’s amazing, frustrating and humbling how easily I fall back into the same old routines and problems when I haven’

The Problem With Practical Logic

Some people consider themselves logical because they’re systematic, but they tend to begin from faulty premises and indu

live for others

scrolling through my friendslist, posting comments, a cheer-up here, a hang-in-there there, a =) here, and cheers there. i mea

the rogue and the pastor’s daughter

The young pastor’s daughter reaches out to the wounded rogue, who cringes and shifts aside. “Stay away from me,” he snar

The Old About Me

My name is Visakan Veerasamy. I am a Singaporean, born and bred. I am proud of my country despite its shortcomings. I believe

Sense Of Urgency

Stumbled upon some old blog posts from 2006/2007 and am rather startled and amused at some of the wisdom in those posts- ̶

Dream: Birthday

I dreamt it was my birthday- I think my twenty first. There was an older figure that suggested that I drive this big badass lu

Quotes About Heroes and Heroism

Commander Shepard, Mass Effect Series “A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in sp

from the horse’s mouth

Well, personally, I would just be straightforward with it. Like how Visa has been to me, and vice versa. It’s a good wak

Thoughts on running, management and life

I’ve never really liked running. I like cycling, and I imagine I’d like swimming, but I’ve never really like

Personal Systems 2.1- down the rabbit hole we go…

Continuing from where we left off, here and here! Brainstorming (prototype 1.0): Putting things together (2.0) Refining them (

Smoke-Free, Day Two

Yes, I’m still going strong! Today my nervous system doesn’t feel as wonky, but I have got new problems- my respir

Complex systems are more interesting than linear ones.

I have a big problem with making lists. Lists are not actually very informative. They are an ineffectual way of presenting inf

a person is a system is a science is a mind is a language is a city is an organism is art


On faith.

Before anything else I think it’s important to begin by discussing faith. We are all creatures of faith, whether we real

I like to convince myself that it doesn’t matter

but I know it does. Because I admired you then, and though I realise that I was obsessed with what you stood for to me, and th


we live for the moments that we are alive, we long for the moments that last forever, transcending the mortality of our lips,

so many of you have the same fucking problems

it’s ridiculous, you’re intelligent people, you can and should know better and learn to find solutions! STOP COMPA


It is 2:25am and I am alone. The air is still, and cold. I am not wearing a shirt. I light my cigarette with the open flame at

assorted 2011 thoughts

creativity is just persistence and keen observation My posts get a lot better if I give myself time and space to talk nonsense


Garage, dirty tie… blame on the garage.. relatives? I think my brother in law- asked me to check out his garage- at whic

I don’t have to write.

I don’t need to write. It is not an addiction, not a compulsion, I could stop at any time. I write because I like to. It

Promise me something.

This 2011, promise me that you’ll pursue something that excites you. Do something that makes you want to wake up in the morn

Mandatory New Year Post [2011]

2010 was a year of reflection for me, of contemplation, self-assessment, observation, study, understanding, learning. 2011 wil

my cab fare home came to $11.60 today. I had $15, and told the cab driver to keep the change- he’d been telling me about


seize her little hand and never let go, carve her out a heart and shield her bones, live her a life lest it dares to unfold, s


How do you describe the act of personal growth? Did I simply “experience” it, as if it were a passing emotion? Did

I’m actually beginning to feel like I might not need this place at all, that it’s become a sort of dead space that

losing friends

You know what’s strange and interesting? To observe a person who had once let you in, but now shuts you out. Don’t

a spot of difficulty

If I were feeling what I were feeling right now a year or two ago, I would be feeling very melancholic and existentialist righ


you fucking shameless blackmailing cunts, WHY am I obligated to do this for you?! aiyoh. never mind. suck thumb. do only. tsk.


After almost 3 years, I am proud to say that I am finally well and truly over it/her/that! Feels so good. 😀

I am so sexually frustrated it’s really not even funny any more.

I still fuck up all the time

I’m not sure if there’s any difference in the amount of times I’m fucking up, or with the severity of these

I have some questions for you.

Are you physically fit? Healthy? Are your eyes, teeth, heart, back, knees, ears in good shape? How would it feel if you lost t

fuck you! (ooo,ooo,ooo!)

I used to be really ignorant, arrogant, narcissistic, self-absorbed and insensitive. You guys know this better than I do. Then

kimmy & fran

get tumblrs lah both of you! it’s like livejournal but better. >_> but i’ll still post here from time to time