

Singapore I definitely want to write ~some~ post about Singapore sometime. But who is it for? Singaporeans? Americans? Everyon

paula scher

🔥 Paula scher City of signs Typography everywhere  Painting with words “More ways to make type talk” Distinctive b

solitary mann

notes when i look through my references when i take photographs  it’s just to take a note of the moment that i see, kno


Erasmus Mersenne Jadav Dashrath Wang yinji abdallah  Chola Jane jacobs, mixed uses, wealth creation, sidewalks, strangers

100 greatest products of all time

Work in progress.

you can just not do the thing

(og thread) “The entire internet gaslighting itself into watching Morbius is one of the most hysterical things I’v


A big part of why I write is so I can think clearly without all of the inelegant clutter of most people’s words, and mo

filters and boundaries

(og thread) i dont feel like anybody ever talked to me about filters and boundaries in the way that i’d have liked to he

broscience stress theory

(original thread) my big broscience medical conspiracy theory is that tonnes of things are downstream of stress (which have to


after years and years of thinking about it, observing it, analyzing it, questioning it, I’ve come to think of culture as


(source thread) when i was a teenager I had an older friend who was a dick to me all the time I would write these long, rambly

socially inherited bloatware

(2019nov thread) had several conversations w/ friends who’ve been incapacitated by the burdensome bullshit obligation to

naming ceremony

this was me just freestyling and jamming about my substack Naming ceremony This is an associative exercise, just listing out t


Transcript of Wooten’s TEDx talk: Well, thank you very much. And it’s true. I was born into a band. Very literally

taskmaster: do you deserve joy?

(og thread) looking back, one of the major anxieties of my teens and most of my 20s was caused by this unhelpful, unhealthy be

2050 predictions

I was asked by @mold_time to make some predictions for 2050. Now, that’s a wack thing to do, because 2050 basically 30 years


everybody owes each other stuff, we call this society then people invented coin to represent this debt and trade it around, we

better explanations

(dec2021 thread) throughout my life I recurringly find myself thinking the thought “nobody explained this to me the way it o

calendar rehab, aversion to containers

(original thread) might as well talk about it out loud: i experience a deep aversion to putting stuff to do on my calendar (ot

better explanations

(2021dec3 thread) throughout my life I recurringly find myself thinking the thought “nobody explained this to me the way it

my compulsive people

(og thread) hypothesis: a thing abt “my people” is they each have some way in which they are oddly compulsive, at


Al-Ma’mun was the 7th caliph of the Abbasid Caliphate (786-833 CE). I think of him as “the Pericles of BaghdadR


probably worth examining why sometimes i feel like working on this and sometimes i don’t. it’s like i don’t quite rememb


This was Aug2021? doesn’t seem that long ago. Was discussing with malcolm how we would do things differently.  It’s m

just hit your target

This is the same core principle for starting a business or becoming an author, or anything really just sell one product, then

coleridge moment

(og thread) Just had a Coleridge moment. i took a nap, and in that nap i was on vacation, and on that vacation i was perfectly

prioritization defeats anxiety

observation: A person who is prioritizing is still not succeeding at the impossible task of doing everything they want to do,

how to scenius, draft

(scenius thread) a more general version of this is my dominant preoccupation, so here are some riffs and thoughts broad stroke


Aspiring directors #1- expensive, hard, you must learn and experience things, it’s not easy  But if you genuinely want

sumiko tan book notes

I’m half Japanese. It feels weird. I was in Calcutta and asked to visit a slum. I did not feel good about it. I live next to


“Trying to sell ebooks to not have a job” well first of all, yes, I don’t want a job. I personally hate jobs. Second: in

i miss writing

I just had the thought that I miss writing. Which is a funny thought to have, considering how much time I spend every day twee

FAN reader takeaways

Quotes from the book in normal text. My thoughts in bold. (JR) “FRIENDLINESS is about being a nourishing presence. It’

the invitation: stop fussing

There are few things I dislike more than people telling me what to do. So this is not a directive. This is an invitation. You


I have been too tired/busy with other things to do very much these few days, but I promise I will never shut up about the stor

how to become a sword guy

@alphaanomics asked, “How one can find people with the same set of interest/ideology/work ( Nerds) on the internet?̶

no scolding

(og thread) I seldom articulate this explicitly but one of the cornerstones of my approach to peopling is “no scolding&#


(og thread) When I was a teenager, the dominant criticism my closest friends had of me was that I was too arrogant, and they w

leadership and responsibility

prev: do whatever the fuck you want I didn’t grow up wanting to be a leader. I grew up wanting to have fun. And leadership o

Do Whatever The Fuck You Want

(written ~Dec 2020?) When I was a teenager there was a Singaporean band that I really liked called Ronin, and one of their son

everybody poops


(2020oct12 thread) someone quote-tweeted one of my “build an audience” tweets with a very interesting disagreement

gender stuff

I wanna try tweeting like my most straightforward honest feelings about gender stuff; my thinking itself seems to be convolute

never forget: the chainsaw wants to eat you

remember to feed the kids don’t put your eye at laser beam height do not rub the belly don’t negotiate against yourself fo

turning 30, 31

30 I just turned 30. I kinda try to do an update every year, though I’m not sure if I’ve been super deliberate about that.

handover protocols (aka pass the baton)

“Political visions are fragile. They appear—and are lost again. Ideas formulated in one generation are frequently forg

pre-installed personalities

(original thread) with each passing year I get more and more convinced that people are practically born with most of their per


1000 blogpost ideas. There may be a few repeats. 0121013243069365911100013371000000s1d1st2010s2020s2nd3d3rd48laws4chan50s50sha


(original 2019 thread) You know how people sometimes go to sleep thinking about a problem and wake up with the solution? I wen

dismantling obsolete beliefs

(2019 thread) there’s a sort of bullshit detector in my brain, which contains a set of beliefs about how the world works


sensitivity is a superpower – IMO sensitivity + smarts + strength is the holy grail. We have many cargo cults that worship s


many cultures have anti-narcissist defenses that, kinda unfortunately, seem to end up discouraging everyone except actual narc


The following post is a copy-paste of a Twitter thread. It will take some time before it turns into an essay of its own. I’v

make friends

Warning: This “blogpost” is currently just a messy, meandering collection of thoughts and notes. If I can only pic


Here are a list of my threads.


Revisiting this I realize I want to make sure all of this is in FAN2. (thread) There’s a recurring moment in multiple conver


People keep asking me about the memex in my Twitter header. You can download a PDF of it if you like. Make friends. It is dang

assemble the mindcity

(original thread) Now that more of us are playing the threading game: As we compete+collaborate effectively articulate things

mkt content ideas 2017

Origin Stories I’d like to do a post exploring the origin stories of all the popular marketers and marketing thought lea

you can’t get everything you want

getting what you want isn’t always a good thing “I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they e

first day of work

This was me on my first day of work. It’s been 4 years now.   Here’s what I remember… I was terrified. It was

Turn curiosities into essays

This is an old note that’s interesting because it was from a while after I left my job, but before I started really succ

the boy who wouldn’t behave

“Why is nobody helping me?”  Amos Yee isn’t the first person to say the things he’s said. He isn̵


i have note from 2019 titled ‘what is government and how do we thrive despite it’, and i want to get it out of my

lsd quotes

LSD quotes “Psychedelics […] dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behaviour and informa

the context of ambition

the context of ambition this is really old – what was the point of this? this was pre-Purusha… 2017-ish? Venkat alread

the logic of violence

so i’ve always thought that this is interesting but i don’t see myself writing an essay on it very soon… it’s like…

The public is insufficiently educated on how to be a good public

The public is insufficiently educated on how to be a good public. I think this is civilisation-specific (ie not an issue for e


📱 media / internet best tech reads https://substack.com/profile/2417812-packy-mccormick/note/c-14475201  what do you h

salaryman suspicions

my 6-month hiatus from salaryman life has confirmed a lot of my suspicions about myself there are many layers to this I was wo

hire me (2018)

Hire me (Check 2019 notebook for more details) What I can do for you Speaking engagements I have emceed several weddings, co-w


Friends from abroad often ask me for suggested readings re: Lee Kuan Yew. I recommend starting by reading The Art Of Charlie C

writer master plan

Oct: Writer Master Plan I’ve been doing some soul-searching and I’ve concluded that the one thing I want to do wit

different hours = different worlds

It never gets old: waking up at different times feels like inhabiting different worlds. Now I’m thinking of God of War. Did


I thought it would be interesting to make a list of notable events where I’ve spoken at. I’ve emceed 2 weddings. I

naughty boy ideation

(2024: I believe this was a wordvomit i tried to write but gave up on halfway.) Starting a second vomit hot on the heels of th


How electricity works We live in an electric world – lightning is electricity, electric currents run through our bodies. ele


TED talks


I remember when I was a young child – maybe five or six years old – when I first watched WWE on TV. (At the time it was ca

dan dennett

Dan Dennett Notes

russell barker

russell barker add – do I want to do a blogpost about this? yes Revisit his videos… Russell Barker Executive function self

Naughty Boy

Naughty Boy: Under-table Scribblings Of A Recalcitrant Joker is a collection of poems by blogger and entrepreneur Visakan Veer

day 4 of free agent life

2018 Jul3 – Day 4 of free agent life:  I went to bed at about 230am last night. I was somewhat disappointed in mys

what i look for in a writer

in a marketing context signals I like – using a domain rather than gmail. but of course, totally understandable if someone

ecommerce growth plans

(abandoned draft) Last week, I wrote about my own journey as an ecommerce retailer and how we built our business from cringe-i

saas marketing struggles

Brief: what should a saas marketer be prepared for? A window into the experiences (good/bad) that you’ve had as a market


This is a test post that I might use to list out all the posts on visakanv.com. I’m wondering if visakanv.com might be a

money or life

https://twitter.com/visakanv/status/988756622477479937 Book opens by talking about how shitty people are with their money and

timing like a state

We have colonized time just the way we have colonized space – and our wild, natural rhythms are in a sense contained and imp

jamming studios

The first jamming studio that was a significant part of my life was some dingy place in Clarke Quay. I don’t remember the na

train station

Train Man, what a long day it had been. So many terribly written emails to respond to. So many arrows to siam. Another day. No

think bigger

Every so often I encounter something that pulls me out of the box that I’m currently in. It’s 2:51pm and I’m really slee


At my last 1-1 with Dinesh we were talking about quicker reorientation after failure. We were talking about my motivations, an

reduce bullshit

Most people are full of shit- and when I say that I mean Frankfurtian bullshit, ideas and statements that aren’t verifia


funwork 2nov2023 movies twitter intended to watch: citizen kane (10< space odyssey (6), seven samurai (5), howl’s moving


Web browsing Google search tips from Reddit Gaming Mouse I use a gaming mouse (Logitech G602). First of all, it’s a good

2016 wordvomit overview

#know yourself What do you want Weaknesses #convictions support yourself regulate your #emotions / psyche #manage yo

Keyboard shortcuts

For Mac. Cmd + ctrl + space – Emoji keyboard Ctrl + click – Right-click Cmd + Shift + 4 – Screenshot area (+ Ctrl – sa

making sense of bullshit-ville

To be born into modern human civilization is both a great privilege (for the safety and opportunities it provides) and a rathe

DR wedding speech

Thank you everybody for being here on this pleasant day, to witness our friends writing the next chapter of their lives.