Top 10 things I’ve had to unlearn
#StrugglePorn – is it painting a false picture?
good conversation started here with Nat & Gary I’m not personally a fan of Gary’s overall brand, but I appreci
I used to be a picky eater
I saw somebody make fun of picky eaters on Twitter, and I felt compelled to write about my own experiences. I was like this my
do you know what you want?
What do you want? Do you really want what you think you want, or did you inherit it from your parents, your peers, from societ
It’s my fault and that’s a good thing
(notes for a future essay about self-blame, responsibility, the concept of fault) A long term tension in my life: I don't
a system can only be improved at its tightest bottleneck
I’ve been thinking a lot about Tiago Forte’s point about bottlenecks – that the only meaningful improvement you
I have to articulate my fears so I can defeat them
I have two big fears that are holding me back in life 1 is a fear of daily reviews 2 is a fear of scheduling in both cases, it
there are no trusted adults, you have to supernanny yourself
The following is a cleaned up transcript of a conversation I had with an older friend in 2015 Visabot: I hate that I keep gett
stress log: identify the root causes and address them
2018-feb-24: i was feeling super chill after a really slow, luxurious shower, trim beard, etc. then sat in my chair to start d
to sleep earlier I need to fix my poverty mindset
I had a post called “next“, and in that post I concluded that I should write how-to guides to myself. At the top o
Remind me later
I think a lot about the passage of time. About how the past and future each have histories of their own. The sun used to revol
there are several kinds of happiness, so be precise about what you’re pursuing
Martin Seligman: The new era of positive psychology 3 kinds of happiness pleasure home warddrobe commute workspace dates food
I love this comic by Kevin Simler of Melting Asphalt: Wisdom tells me I am nothing. Love tells me I am everything. Between the
Sometimes I get a little worn out by the friction of everyday life. Â In these times, it helps to have things to return to in
how to unlearn your conditioning
First you need to recognize that you are conditioned. everybody is. But we’re also conditioned to assume that our condit
there’s no escaping constraints; we have to work with them
-1- Constraints can be cruel, arbitrary, stupid, unfair, unkind, damaging, crushing, painful, horrifying. The idea of wishing
We have to learn how to live and play with supernormal stimuli
I was on the train a while ago without my phone (left it at home) and I was just curiously watching what other people were up
Beating yourself up is egotistic
When I was a kid, I was stuck in a very silly cycle. I’d get home from school every day and I’d avoid doing my homework fo
The Folly Of The Plunge
There’s an overly romanticized idea in both business and romance (and probably in many other fields as well) – tha
‘hacking’ the 7 sins
I once extensively dissected all the 7 deadly sins as a mental exercise (I was bored as a conscript, and I wanted to solve the
Identity fragments and withers away when there’s nobody else to perform for
One of the most interesting things I’ve ever read was about this guy who was homeless and living in the forest for a rea
scared men
I knew some dudes like this. They’re like young versions of the racist old man Bill Burr described in his standup –
Beware the moral failing fallacy
SELF-LOVE AND THE “MORAL FAILING” FALLACY: Here’s something that’s taken me a long time to be able to
I believe that it’s important to properly come to terms with death in order to live well. This is something that’s
Adulthood is about taking responsibility
The following are selected quotes from @1000wordvomits. -1- “What is “this”? Whatever it is that distinguishes me fr
Life Basics
Haven’t written in a while. I feel a little tired and bored of the 1000wordvomits project, like it’s not going any
One must imagine Sisyphus LOL-ing
Life, particularly in modern civilization, is an absurd circus. We’re all clowns living in boxes trying to amuse ourselves w
I’ve developed an idea in my mind about how to use my blog moving forward. I want it to be an extension of my mind, that
The Body Is The Mind
From reddit thread about walking around during phone calls; This is a specific case of the general phenomenon. Lots of people
How To Self Regulate
I think the solution to the problem of self-regulation will begin with really little things. If you suck at self-regulation, y
Guilt is a feeling that should inform action, not paralyze
Originally 0532. Guilt is a feeling. It’s often a legitimate feeling, and it’s a signal from the mind/body that something
Advice To A Younger Self: How To Manage Yourself
1. Hit the gym. We live in the real world and physical strength has real benefits. Get fit and you’ll look fit, and peop
beware self-flagellation
Here’s something that’s taken me a long time to be able to identify and an even longer time to express succinctly: Very of
Meditation is mind-maintenance. If you believe that the mind is important, meditation is, too
Clear the gunk off your windshield so you can focus on the present moment, what’s in front of you right now. Jon Kabat Z
the body is inextricably intertwined with the mind
I’ve been overwhelmed in recent times with the realization that I don’t really know my body as well as I thought I
Procrastination is a solvable problem
On putting things off [HN] I’m very passionate about the problem of procrastination, having suffered terribly from it a
Motivation is anything that compels you to take action
Hello, World Finished Not Perfect [1:30] Why Do We Fall [6:13] Unbroken [5:57] Dream [6:20] Les Brown: You Gott
boredom is a 4-part bug of the mind; it can be resolved
2023 update: I ended up writing Introspect in part because of my obsession with this question. I feel like I have a good han
“What are you passionate about” might be better framed as “what are you willing to suffer for?”
A younger friend told me that he gets asked this question a lot, and that he doesn’t know how to answer. So he asked me how
sleep, hydrate, read, exercise, play music, declutter
During my 2 years of National Service, I began what I called the 90 Week Project. I had heard many horror stories from men wis
“Gifted” is a label that can discourage hard work
2014 summary:Â Used to be a minimum-effort student who was proud of how little effort I needed to get by. Now wish I had learn