searching for truth

magic is just persistent curiosity

I’ve been circling around a few thoughts recently, and it’s about the idea of “magic”. I guess also se

Where does money come from, really?

A question that made me anxious when I was a teenager is “where does money come from really?” Most people tend to be s

#StrugglePorn – is it painting a false picture?

good conversation started here with Nat & Gary I’m not personally a fan of Gary’s overall brand, but I appreci

our metaphors for god adapt to keep up with our technology

Most of us inherit an idea of God as a “world craftsman”. If you think about it, this idea could not predate craft

minorities have to be extra-sensitive

(these were thoughts in response to Sarah Jeong being called out for being racist towards white men) I think one of the rules

women’s perspectives are criminally underrepresented

(2025mar8: I wonder if I still feel this way? The climate feels different than in 2017, but I think fundamentally… IR

menworld: a way of considering the patriarchy

(Clarification: for the whole of this thread, when I say Men, I’m referring to the subset of straight men who live &

Breakfast AMAs

Every so often I have breakfast alone, and I ask Twitter to ask me questions. I enjoy it a lot – I find it to be a great way

different people have different mental models

People typically have high-res models of their own lives and lower-res models of other people’s. We are all born clueless wi

do you know what you want?

What do you want? Do you really want what you think you want, or did you inherit it from your parents, your peers, from societ

smartphones and other linguistic legacies

Language is full of interesting legacy issues. The pocket supercomputer I'm writing this on isn't really a "phone


I love this comic by Kevin Simler of Melting Asphalt: Wisdom tells me I am nothing. Love tells me I am everything. Between the

The utility of art (includes escape from myopic utilitarianism)

It’s often difficult to have a conversation about art because we’re almost always talking past each other. I once

We have to learn how to live and play with supernormal stimuli

I was on the train a while ago without my phone (left it at home) and I was just curiously watching what other people were up

the jetpacks of 2020 will be whatever helps us navigate information overload

TL;DR: In the broadest sense, we already have powerful engines; to go faster we need better shock absorbers and handling. ____

Different perspectives are more kaleidoscopic than different “points of view”

Thought: Words and phrases like “perspective” and “point-of-view” don’t adequately convey how ra

Identity fragments and withers away when there’s nobody else to perform for

One of the most interesting things I’ve ever read was about this guy who was homeless and living in the forest for a rea

is your subconscious smarter than you are?

Original:  I really liked this idea– I think by Robin Sharma [1], but by many

scared men

I knew some dudes like this. They’re like young versions of the racist old man Bill Burr described in his standup –

Parable of Shitty Choices

OVERALL TLDR/SUMMARY: Effective decision-making can be counter-intuitive. You assume that a good decision is supposed to look


I believe that it’s important to properly come to terms with death in order to live well. This is something that’s

Adulthood is about taking responsibility

The following are selected quotes from @1000wordvomits. -1- “What is “this”? Whatever it is that distinguishes me fr


Guiding ‘Principles’ Beware the Guilt-and-Shame Ego Trap. Alternate names: Self-flagellation trap, beating yoursel

Predictions are a good way to test your understanding

Preamble Originally on HN:  It’s always interesting to look at old predic

Mind-expanding stuff  Wait but why Neil Tyson’s the universe is in us, we stopped dre


The Philosophy of Logical Atomism (1918-19) Lecture 1: Facts and Propositions By Bertrand Russell (The following articles ar

Politics and the English language [2016]

The following is my attempt to update George Orwell’s essay Politics and the English Language [1946] for modern reading.

One must imagine Sisyphus LOL-ing

Life, particularly in modern civilization, is an absurd circus. We’re all clowns living in boxes trying to amuse ourselves w

Pondering the heat death of the universe

(I wrote this in 2013 in a a conversation with a friend, and decided to tidy it up a little and publish it for future referenc

Guilt is a feeling that should inform action, not paralyze

Originally 0532. Guilt is a feeling. It’s often a legitimate feeling, and it’s a signal from the mind/body that something

We are all miseducated + need to rethink education from scratch

We are all miseducated. My education journey 0129 – future of education 0461 – we are all miseducated – accepted it and

Creativity is just connecting (and remixing) things

  Everything Is A Remix (Full Video) [30 mins+] How To Steal Like An Artist, by Austin Kleon (Google him for Twitter). P

boredom is a 4-part bug of the mind; it can be resolved

2023 update: I ended up writing Introspect in part because of my obsession with this question. I feel like I have a good han

“What are you passionate about” might be better framed as “what are you willing to suffer for?”

A younger friend told me that he gets asked this question a lot, and that he doesn’t know how to answer. So he asked me how