

i was in the middle of a substack draft about continuity when i suddenly felt the impulse to go over to and

consolidation meta

(written in substack) I can’t help myself, I love to go meta. Earlier this evening, my wife took my son out for a walk, givi

blog overview 2023

I feel compelled to go to the start of my blog and start commenting on it. Visa Reacts to his own blog. (this is a janky mess)


I saw a picture of “Bay Area Memespace“, and for some reason I felt compelled to put together my own “@visak

1000wv: adulthood

0093 – transitioning to adulthood, maladjustment I was doing some reading ( today) But then a swarm of sc


Bum-a-cigarette app idea: “Smoke Buddy” It’ll have to be location-based, showing you smokers in your area. I


Here are some writers that I’ve found interesting: Adam Gopnik AellaGirl Alain de Botton Amanda Chong Bill Wurtz – hi


Antifragility: Some things are fragile in the sense that they lose from disorder. Some things are robust to disorder– they r


Curiosities, People, books, movies, TV, now, reviews next, post-ideas, todo, pending fear – is one of the most important em

Realizations I’d like to be reminded of

There are some things that I realize from time to time, and I wish I could be reminded of regularly. This is an attempt to con

Feature Requests

Spotify Problem: Overplayed music Suggestion: The simplest, bluntest way this could work is a block/ban list. “I donR

Food is an intimate window into everything

Food studies Alcohol Coffee / Caffeine [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] Nicotine [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] Dopamine [1, 2, 3, 4] Serotonin [1] Sugar Y

pursue your curiosities

Oct 2016: Am currently in the process of shuffling these around to fit headers, so things might not make sense for a while. Is

A list of people I find interesting

This is a “quick-reference” blogpost of high-quality people. These are “all-time-greats” type folks, m


0546 – the future of my words 0543 – writing as joyful self-correspondence 0533 – the next steps of my writing journey 0

Summary of entire blog, part 4 (2012)

Continuing where I left off in Part 3… Personal Development: How to live, and other final 2011 thoughts. Worried about m

summary of entire blog part 3

In part 2 (over a year ago!), I summarized my blog up to the middle of 2011. Let’s continue. Singapore: The danger of

summary of entire blog, part 2

In part 1 I summarized all blog posts until the end of 2010. So here we begin with 2011. Mandatory New Year Post 2011 2010 y