

2024sep4: I started playing a new game of Simcity 2000 in my browser, mainly out of nostalgia and curiosity. I never really un

chaotic monkey mind

For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a chaotic monkey mind that’s been both a blessing and curse. When I stop to think


Historyproj… SG1990… Tamils…India…nonamerican… multipolar world… sidenote on english… gumroad readers… 3rd cul

my life in pictures

This post exists to help me, at a glance, get a sense of my own life over the years. 1990 – 1996 1998 2001 2003 2004 2006 20

The Statement / JIBABOM! story, so far

Statement is a t-shirt company that we started in 2011. I posted some ideas on Facebook, and they were pretty well-r

Why I stopped blogging in 2013, I think

Before I start with this, I want to take a moment to summarize a 2014 blogpost, “Why should we blog?“ It allows fo

Helm Of The Arse Gods

Oddball confession: one of my first life-shaping experiences on the Internet was lying on a video game forum (Darkstone, Delph

Bestof 2018

todo: search twitter for “from:visakanv 2018” FB Jan happy new year I want to go to the moon (hilarious) trippy gl

My National Service Experience

Wrote this a few years ago. While I was still in NS. Around Dec 2011. I still remember when I went for my medical check-up a f

Bestof 2017

FB Jan Emotional labor thread and discussion “Was 2016 dangerous for celebrities?” – clever use of Wiki article

Blogging all over again

I happened to drop by a “classic” blog of a friend of a friend, and I was just floored. It has an archive that goe

June 2017 status update [vomit 0684]

(I wrote this in June 2017, while I was on reservist) Dear Visa, How are you? It’s me, your oldest friend, who’s always be


belonging – a place to call your own I was thinking about ‘belonging’ earlier, and how I have always felt like I


I have always been a somewhat scatter-brained person, and I’ve also always felt this sort of compulsion to catalog every

4 years together

Fun fact: Sharan Kaur and I got married 4 years ago today. It was kind of a secret. We did it over milkshakes and hotdogs at a

Early Employee

source +1 to this. I’m a relatively early employee at my team, and while my founders don’t really mind whether I&#

Annual Reviews

Every year I make it a point to do some reviews of my life. Here’s a list of what I’ve done so far. 2009 birthday

Goals are a way of making sense of the chaos around us, giving us a vision of the future to live into

2017 update: This post is hilariously vague. I need to add some measurable, achievable targets to prove to myself that I have

Ways in which I’ve been a misfit + how that’s shaped who I am

I made this post because I want to make sense of who I am. I’ve had a funny relationship with being a misfit. Initially,

Realizations I’d like to be reminded of

There are some things that I realize from time to time, and I wish I could be reminded of regularly. This is an attempt to con


I’m not much of a traveller. I’d like to change that. So far, I’ve been to… Johor, Malaysia Batam, Ind

My journey from underachieving student to moderately competent adult [2016]

An older friend told me that a parent wanted to talk to ‘learn about my educational journey’ and ‘understand


1990 – Born 1994 – St Hilda’s Kindergarten 1997 – Opera Estate Primary School 1998 – Burnt hand 2000 – St Hild

Surprises reveal the limits of our expectations

I started smoking again. Thought I would’ve quit for good. (Quit again in 2016) people are stupid. keep assuming that th

The media is critical to how we make sense of ourselves and our reality

Why does this post exist? I think the media (in all its forms) is a very important part of what it means to be human. It’

Making sense of my childhood and how it shaped me

I was born on June 6th 1990, in Singapore. George HW Bush was President of the USA. The Berlin Wall fell, East and West German

An oral history of the games I’ve played

What’s the first video game you ever played? I’m not entirely sure. I recall watching my brothers play games on th

Starting work – excited to be among thoughtful, kind, high-functioning people [2013]

2014 EDIT: Just to avoid confusion; this was written at the start of 2013! I’m still working here and having loads of fu

Buying a HDB flat [2013]

He sits in an empty house with the woman of his dreams nestled in his lap like a kitten, only bigger, more beautiful and more

Penang 2012

This is an old post that was sitting around unfinished for a long time. It’s still unfinished. Posting it anyway. I’m

No, I Won’t Be Going To University [2012]

I wrote this in December 2012. I have been thinking about the University question for some time, and I decided to get some inp

2012 review – it’ll never be perfect so just do it

I didn’t want to do anything for new year’s. I didn’t want to spend money unnecessarily, because lately I

was it worth it?

During my Signals course, there was a day where we were supposed to make these wire joints- 20 per person. Quite labour-intens

On regrets, fragility, certainty and forks in the road

Do you have any regrets? It’s one of those questions that’s thrown around so often that we don’t really thin


It is 2:25am and I am alone. The air is still, and cold. I am not wearing a shirt. I light my cigarette with the open flame at

snippets of my life

I’m an ordinary guy. I found school to be generally boring and uninspiring, so I almost never did any homework, often cu