Relationships are challenging + a lot of work
Preamble: Hello everyone! This post has been getting shared a little bit, so I thought it might be worth taking some time to p
men can and should creature nurturing spaces for each other
My wife pointed out to me recently that there are so few spaces for men to gather and talk about their feelings. We could crea
women’s perspectives are criminally underrepresented
(2025mar8: I wonder if I still feel this way? The climate feels different than in 2017, but I think fundamentally… IR
mansplaining is sometimes (but not always) innocuous
If I had to do a “the difference between men and women” type of standup set, I think I would focus on the phenomenon of ma
many women want to have sex
my wife was telling me something interesting about an all-women FB group she was in women very often want to have sex with men
menworld: a way of considering the patriarchy
(Clarification: for the whole of this thread, when I say Men, I’m referring to the subset of straight men who live &
“I only like Chinese girls”
There is some nuance in the space between having a preference and articulating it. Lots of dudes are utterly incapable of walk
stop “confessing your feelings”, women are not confessional booths
 "Can I know you?" "Will you be my friend?" "I think I've fallen in love with you" are all
sexual objectification – “the standards don’t apply equally”, because the costs are unequal
I would say that this IS objectification, but the context we live in dictates that men are affected differently by objectifica
Listen to your “naggy” wife
Written as a Facebook comment on February 22nd. Today’s coffee thoughts shall be about this. My wife is my best friend a
Originally posted on Hacker News: Here’s my random, unsolicited opinion: I doubt porn is the cause. Porn might be a como
scared men
I knew some dudes like this. They’re like young versions of the racist old man Bill Burr described in his standup –
Sex is ubiquitous – and it’s shamed and policed as a tool of social control
Sex: Clever use of pictures to communicate. Bloomberg – Has internet culture ruined love
The Tao of YungSnuggie
I loved YungSnuggie so much that I pulled out his best answers, formatted them a little (tried to make it easier to read witho
Why you should never “confess your love” to anyone
My humble advice to anybody who starts to fall for your friends-Â Never, EVER “confess your love” to them.It’