In this post I mostly repeat a bunch of stuff I’ve written about in the past about my creative process. It feels necessary f
incompleteness and digressions
22jul2024 distractions I’ve been kind of embarrassed, maybe even ashamed, to note that there have been many instances now wh
essay drafts mar2024
i just feel in my bones that there are about 5-12 essays knocking around inside me that if i just get out of my system i will
transcribing.a series of twitter threads i’ve written reflecting on being a dad I. feeding my kid at 5am sets off a seri
want to spend a substack post thinking out loud about my experiences with bookstores. I’ve already established before that l
let it happen
The big lesson that my life seems to be trying to teach me lately is: stop trying to force things to be some way other than it
all the channels
variable rewards Today was a fairly typical day in which I spent most of my time in front of the computer, clicking around, ty
what’s the point of voltaic?
Maybe let’s do a quick roundup update of how this substack has been coming along so far. I started out with the generic name
chaos surfing
(tbc) A thing I get a lot is “visa seems very good at being extremely online and yet remaining somewhat well-adjusted, emoti
recent history
It used to be so normal for people to smoke cigarettes everywhere. Old photos of NBA games and boxing had a blue haze – you
get your motor runnin’
Get your motor runnin’Head out on the highwayLooking for adventureIn whatever comes our way Yeah, darlin’ gonna ma
attention whores
I’ve been wanting to write something called Attention Whores, thinking about how that used to be an insult that was thrown a
scope your problems
Scope your problems Why Twitter is more fun than other things- utterances are well scoped Why writing essays and books a
(2023sep28) whiteboard thread I think the main big picture is the question of wretchedness in our modern times. I roughly defi
disregard previous instructions
(This post was kicked off by witnessing a younger version of myself struggling with something about permanent records.)
internet / holy grail / hypertext hurricane
(2023jun1 thread) in response to the time war story, bigolas dickolas: I’ve told variations of this story several times but
drafts aug2022-may2023
drafts from time to time people ask me something like “what have you changed your mind the most on” and it’s
the dynamism problem
(abandoned substack draft) “My propositions are elucidatory in this way: he who understands me finally recognizes them as se
kohai vs senpai
Kohai: I need help. I’m stuck. Knotted. Trapped. Overwhelmed. What do I do? Senpai: What do you want to do? Kohai: I want to
(abandoned substack draft) I have seven different tabs open right now, each with a different draft of a different substack ess
junkyard of vague intentions
Earlier this morning I wrote 1,500 words, and then I dumped them in my junkyard (below, lol). I feel pretty good about it. Tho
aesthetic resonance
selfsense1. not tired but knotted
“Nobody heard him, the dead man,But still he lay moaning:I was much further out than you thought And not wa
resonance over coherence
update: published in May 2023 This is an abandoned Substack draft fr
iron FAN
One of my favorite blogposts by Venkatesh Rao was about the Iron Man movies. He describes how Tony Stark had two problems –
take note, notice
I take a lot of notes. I also have quite a lot of thoughts about note-taking. I could probably keep going. I also have a lot o
public intellectuals
This is a substack draft where I just thread all of the tweets that I’ve written with the word “public intellectual”. I
how to write good comments
✱ Alright bitches and motherfuckers so what constitutes a good comment? It’s 5am so I gotta go to bed but i’m leaving th
thinking in dominos
One of the best memes i’ve come up with is what my friends know as The Dominos Meme – an expression of earnest, ambitious
an interesting thing about 2004 was that both Mean Girls and The Incredibles had scenes where white women were frustrated/emba
internal conflicts?
movie/media reviews
I have a folder in my notes app called “reviews”, where I throw in notes that I’ve put together about stuff I’ve watch
reintroducing myself
Maybe delete, here are my guiding thoughts for myself as I introduce myself again: I can’t possibly expect to say everything
real social media has never been tried
I tell this story a lot when talking about the promise of social media. The title feels like it should be the title of a hendr
in other words
This world has lost its glory / Let’s start a brand new story now, my love… “The limits of my language are the limit
pave the desire paths
A desire path is a path that’s created by people using it, rather than by top-down design. The path is proof that people wan
220,000 tweets later / twitter overview
I started putting this together because it seemed like Twitter had a non-trivial chance of dying. If I’m being honest a part
comedic influences
Sometimes I just like to investigate things on Wikipedia. Today I’m curious about some details about immigrants. I start by
the problem of atomized thinking?
Not sure how i want to phrase it I want to talk about arrogance and humility and how people get that wrong lots of mistakes yo
sweet spots
I got distracted halfway when writing this because of a pradyu tweet about asian kids complaining. but then afterwards… nah
status notes
I’ve been wanting to write some stuff about social status for a long time, but I never quite had the right framing or contex
a man from each century
BCE Pythagoras Pericles Herodotus 0-999 Paul the Apostle Plutarch Marcus Aurelius Faxian (337 CE – c. 422 CE) travelling mon
scene sketches
One of my favorite things that I periodically do on Twitter is what I might call exploratory nerdposting – it’s when I sta
Advanced Stupid
âś± suspended joodaloop tweet: what is it with ridiculously smart people and being absolutely abysmal at product ideas this th
to labor together
a project is anything that requires collaboration, even if only with yourself My secondary school motto was “Nil Sine Labore
be not not-yourself
Sometimes double-negatives can be very helpful. “be yourself” can be endlessly frustrating, but I believe that
palm leaf manuscripts / tweet grammar
(2023jul15) Let’s dive right in. I trust that you already know what Twitter is, you know what tweets are, I don’t really w
writing used to be easier for me / logjam
Writing used to be easier for me. When I was a novice, when I was younger, when I perceived myself to be a nobody with nothing
incorrect estimates
I had this nice fantasy when I published my second book that I would then churn out a nice essay every week. If I had done tha
my debt to scheherazade – this is kinda poetic but it’s more of a chapter/subheader than the actual title. this is mea
chasing the feeling with no name
A part of me is always chasing a particular feeling. Sometimes I call it “aesthetic resonance”, though that’s not the wh
Against Flanderization
As a creator, you might feel like it’s your job to give the audience what they want. In practice, this turns out to be a
a love letter to my process
ios/substack draft A love letter to my process Feels a bit tacky to write so much about writing. But this is an internal fee
culture2, notes
One of the victory conditions in the Civilization video game series is “cultural victory”. A funny quote that happens is w
scenius: with love comes criticism
(abandoned substack draft) I used to be a very active member of my local music scene. I’d attend a lot of shows. I wrote com
culture1- singapore, stereotypes, seeing, crossroads
Alright, Chinese New Year is a good topic since it’s CNY in a couple of days, and it’s a useful entry point for thinking a
Iron FAN, mk2, out of the cave
(abandoned substack post) solutions that extend beyond One of my favorite blogposts by Venkatesh Rao was about the Iron Man mo
scenius2: Write my way out – men of letters / erasmus,mersenne, stein
(abandoned substack draft – this one I’ll probably actually revisit and work again) “If my humors happen to plea
artful incompleteness
(abandoned substack draft) No piece of work can ever fully contextualize itself, you’ll go mad trying. But what if things we
Oral history of 2010s
Point of this doc is to situate myself, feel more grounded… It’s going to be a substack post Game of Thrones decade, 2011-
we are all Vincent Adultman
Social fabric is woven with polite fictions. One of the major threads in that fabric is the idea of a unilateral self. The ide
recharge your talismans
(abandoned substack draft) meaningful objects matter because we’re all gonna die tend to them, attend to them, they are
how to fckn read
(abandoned substack post) I have been very helpful (1) to a lot of people in a lot of ways. But I can’t help you if you canâ
twitter drafts 2022oct7
power: people who feel powerless seldom want the responsibility that comes with power. to a surprising degree, power is grante
Some shit about written language. Cuneiform. Rewatch that extra credit video. Hyper literacy âś± i love to be a wh
mediastudies 1
(abandoned substack post) feel like the title of this post should be a quote about polaroid I’ve always wanted to research a
transcendent incompleteness / in media res / media studies2
(Abandoned substack draft) how do we find joy in an existence within constraints? how does art break through the bandwidth lim
how to talk to people
(abandoned substack draft) how to talk to people most people are doing it pretty badly. god, so badly. it’s so fucking i
how to be a self-directed indie scholar
Here’s my backstory, my approach, my beliefs. First, I believe the core thing is that you have to have a personal set of cur
branching paths (jump cuts)
(abandoned substack draft) There’s a lot I want to talk about, but I will need many tries to begin to get it right. So hereâ
how to weave a hyperthread web
“Everything rests upon Me, as pearls are strung on a thread.” – Lord Krishna to Arjuna, Bhagavad-gita, Chapter 7.7 In hi
aesthetics (junkyard of notes, links)
I want to persuade people that it’s worth their time and effort to experiment with their aesthetics. Why? I can start by
economics of dating
I’ve always been quite fascinated with the economics of dating. Louis CK had this interesting bit about how there are some p
battery low
I got curious about exploring this metaphor because of how I felt during a trip, thinking about how tedious and annoying it wa
Education is about lighting fires
My teachers recognized that I lacked internal motivation, but they never really addressed it. _
The Absurdity Of Modern Civilization, A Prison-Zoo Of Our Nightmares and Fantasies
– 1 – To be born into modern human civilization is both a great privilege (for the safety and opportunities it provides) a
Being Smart vs Being Kind
Originally written in July 2017, over at @1000wordvomits. When I was a child, I was told that I was smart. I wasn’t great at
Inner Newsfeed
I’ve been thinking about this concept for a while. Discussed it with a couple of online friends: Just think of your own
Radical Candor
I find myself referencing Radical Candor in many conversations over and over again. It’s a very powerful, simple and use
One Must Imagine Sisyphus LOL-ing
Life, particularly in modern civilization, is an absurd circus. We’re all clowns living in boxes trying to amuse ourselves w
taste is the beating heart of all creative value
This post is a work-in-progress. It’s really just a set of notes for now. I’ve been finding myself sharing it with