navigating culture

the world is not kind to those who are tacky

Late night thought: ā€œDonā€™t be tacky (unless you know why youā€™re doing it)ā€ is a surprisingly powerful heuristic for me

our metaphors for god adapt to keep up with our technology

Most of us inherit an idea of God as a “world craftsman”. If you think about it, this idea could not predate craft

minorities have to be extra-sensitive

(these were thoughts in response to Sarah Jeong being called out for being racist towards white men) I think one of the rules

women’s perspectives are criminally underrepresented

(2025mar8: I wonder if I still feel this way? The climate feels different than in 2017, but I think fundamentally… IR

“I only like Chinese girls”

There is some nuance in the space between having a preference and articulating it. Lots of dudes are utterly incapable of walk

cultural cosplay: a broader framework for thinking about cultural appropriation

I’ve never quite been satisfied with the overuse of the phrase “cultural appropriation” in all sorts of cont

Attempting A Reading Into Indian History

What is India? What is Indian? I like to start with words. The name India is derived from Indus, from the Old Persion word Hin

Hypothesis: people with uncommon names are likelier to develop uncommon identities

Here’s a nominative determinism flavored hypothesis: I believe that people with uncommon names are likelier to develop u

a set of notes about storytelling

Storytelling Heft? (2022/2023) fiction should slap you in the face and kick you in the gut and spit in your mouth otherwise wh

The utility of art (includes escape from myopic utilitarianism)

It’s often difficult to have a conversation about art because we’re almost always talking past each other. I once

Is Ya Kun Kaya Toast “Authentic”? [2013]

Originally posted on Poached Mag in 2013. I was having kopi with some friends at Ya Kun Kaya Toast. A friendly auntie spoke to

cultural appropriation is very context-dependent

In response toĀ

Retake the narrative

Wrote a response to someone asking, “Why should Muslims have to answer for what some madmen do halfway across the world?

people seem fundamentally unserious about their information diets

TL;DR: “Every new piece of news is seriously important” => fundamentally unserious about the nature of importan

An Analysis of Power And Social Dynamics In ‘MeanĀ Girls’

Theory: The movie has such enduring power and is quoted so much because it sheds some incredible light on real sociological ph

What does it mean to be Indian in the modern world?

WIP ā€œTo be an Indian writer in this society is to face, every day, problems of definition. What does it mean to be ā€˜Indian

Fashion is omnipresent and inescapable; we are all making fashion statements whether we realize it or not

Why does this post exist? I think fashion is interesting and important. I’d like to develop a better sense of my perspec

Sanjay’s Super Team

I’m thinking about Sanjay’s Super Team, and Ratatouille, and overcoming ‘villains’. Overcoming cynicis

What’s up with yoga?

I think there’s something interesting about how yoga went from being a spiritual way of being to becoming a commodified

history is an underrated source of insight

I think history is interesting. It’s likeĀ binge-watching old seasons of current affairs ā€“ we get to go through a lot

What makes something “authentic”? It’s about passing for others

The goal here is to explore what we mean when we say something is ‘authentic’, ask who gets to decide, and how we