
Why I believe in people.

I sometimes get asked, “Visa, why are you so optimistic/deluded? Why do you believe in people? Why do you care about peo

Self-Assessment: goals, routines, habits and hesitation

Time for a bit of introspective reflection and philosophical spring cleaning! Online Productivity: I’ve gotten a Grooves

How to deal with an existential crisis.

Imagine that you’re having a walk that’s generally unremarkable, in an unremarkable locale, surrounded by unremark

Marginal differences make a difference

Updated 2014. It’s interesting how we categorize people into smokers and non-smokers. You’re in or you’re

illness as opportunity

I am sick as I write this- literally physically ill, with a throat infection. I often seem to fall sick more than the average

Books: The God Delusion, by Richard Dawkins

Synopsis The book contains ten chapters. The first few build a case that there is almost certainly no God, while the rest disc

Love lives, and to love is to live.

Think of love not as something you fall into, like a rabbit hole of unknowable depths, but as something you grow- like a livin

Justin Bieber

2014 Update: He just got arrested. Lol. One of the first things that struck me about the “We Are The World 25 For Haiti&

Soulmates: why reality is actually more wondrous and beautiful than fantasy.

What is a soulmate? If you believe that there is someone out there who has a divine predisposition to being the “perfect

the inadequacy of critical thinking

It bothers me when critical thinking is portrayed as the Holy Grail of thought and intellectual firepower- as if we could solv

the economics of ignorance

I was on the typology central forums today and I found an interesting question: Why do people love assumptions? First of all,

Discuss the influence of celebrities on teenagers. (2006)

The spending power of teenagers in recent years has been on the rise, and mass media is integrating into their lives at an acc

Religion: It’s not just personal.

Religion and faith are personal, but it’s also more than that. It also happens to be one of the most powerful tools for

Narcissism and social networking: can having many online friends be a bad thing?

“Narcissists can be identified by their Facebook accounts- Psychologists” A friend of mine posted the above link t

Republic VS Democracy

The Republic of the United States of America This is a pretty interesting and informative video about political structures. It

Adam Lambert’s sexuality: How being different does wonders for marketability

I was a huge fan of Adam Lambert the moment I saw him- and I also knew that he was absolutely gay. What does it mean, though,

Researchers more likely to jump to conclusions: Observation

Smokers more likely to feel suicidal: Study “A clear and alarming link between smoking and suicide”, they found. &