i finally watched disney’s alice in wonderland (1951) for the first time a few weeks ago. i haven’t yet read lewis carroll’s book. lewis carroll incidentally was the pen name of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (1832-1898),
it’s hard in present day to be sure of how much precisely the movie influenced things vs the book.
drugs (bbc.com)
what do I want to say about it?
- It’s cool that it’s a part of pop culture. it doesn’t feel very “disney”, and I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that it’s very lewis carroll? and most of what we think of as “very disney” is probably not actually the original vision of walt disney, but downstream of that. though to really answer that question we have to investigate the various epochs of disney
- it’s interesting that the phrase rabbithole has stayed with us, this idea of exploring curiosity
- as an author/creative i waas very impressed with how a lot of it was structured, up until the end which i thought could probably be better. but oh how easy it is to criticize. i do still think alice in wonderland is a must-watch. something i’ll show my kid someday. which is an interesting… skin-in-the-game list-making. what movies will you show your kids?
- i do want to compare/contrast it to wizard of oz, which i’m not sure about how i’m gonna watch
- also compare/contrast with narnia, harry potter, the matrix, but at this point it’s kind of spiralling… the magic world, the portal, the extraordinary world
live-noting the movie
What was happening in 1951
who was Lewis Carroll
why did Disney choose to make the adaptation? Walt lived 1906-1966)
Im kinda reminded of Sephiroth in the original FF7
“In my world, book nothing but pictures”
“my world would be nonsense”
cats and rabbits in fancy houses
Flowers with powers and talking
my works would be a wonderland
rabbit who’s late
So economical, she enters the world within 6 minutes, first 2 minutes were credits
Topsy turveyness of the world is demonstrated while she’s going after Mr rabbit
Curioser and curioser
Door knob amused by language
Too big for the door
Key left on the table
use of perspective to show her big
Falls into bottle
Sailors life for me
Ahoy and other nautical expressions
started tomorrow will finish yesterday
12 mins rabbit again
Tweedledee tweedledum
Beginning backwards
How do you do, shake hands, state your name and business
looking for rabbit, curious where he’s going
The oysters were curious too
what happened to the oysters? Story within a story,
Walrus and carpenter
Shoes and ships and ceiling wax and cabbages and kings
Callow callay no work today
Walrus pied piper
20m end of oyster story
they start reciting another story but she goes off – artful incompleteness, lived-in world
21 rabbit again, the house
another embiggening cookie
Why does rabbit call her Mary Ann
Lizard with a ladder
Burn down the house
Rabbit runs into forest
flowers very opinionated about the songs
“what kind of garden do you come from?”
Genus humans Alice
I’m not a flower
A weed
I’m not a weed / you wouldn’t expect her to admit it
flowers wash hr away
AEIOy smoke
3 inches is such a wretched height
Cheshire at midpoint
Unbirthday, tea party, smoke
Tell us the story – functions as a recap for the audience
“I have an idea, let’s change the subject”
Why is a raven like a writing desk?
Clock is two days slow
Watch is full of wheels
Stupidest tea party
“I’ve had enough nonsense, I’m going home”
“That rabbit, Who cares where he’s going anyway”
It’s getting dark and nothing looks familiar
A shovel bird
52m would be nice if something made sense for a change
don’t step on the mome raths
A path
Dog brushing away the path
When one’s lost, good advice to stay where you are until someone finds you
If I listened earlier I wouldn’t be here
But that’s the trouble with me
I give myself good advice but seldom follow it
That explains the trouble I’m always in
be patient is good advice but waiting makes me curious
there’d be a price to pay some day
she cries and all the weird eonderland clearers gather and cry to
Will I ever learn to do the things I should
Moon becomes chrfhire cat
I wanna go home but can’t find my way
You have no way, all ways are the queens ways
shortcut to the kingdom
Through the maze
Painting the roses red
Each of us would quickly lose his head
What do the cards mean
Queen is the first person to say “it’s a little girl”
tedious courtly behaviors
The croquet game
A trial
Calling up the old characters
Why Alice in Wonderland is one of fashion’s most enduring muses