recent history

It used to be so normal for people to smoke cigarettes everywhere. Old photos of NBA games and boxing had a blue haze – you

get your motor runnin’

Get your motor runnin’Head out on the highwayLooking for adventureIn whatever comes our way Yeah, darlin’ gonna ma

attention whores

I’ve been wanting to write something called Attention Whores, thinking about how that used to be an insult that was thrown a


Malcolm McLuhan has been on my radar for a long time, but I’d always been kinda avoiding him, the way I had previously avoid


simplistic but feels right: good repetition is mindful, bad repetition is mindless meta: mindless repetition isn’t all that

scope your problems

Scope your problems  Why Twitter is more fun than other things- utterances are well scoped Why writing essays and books a


(2023sep28) whiteboard thread I think the main big picture is the question of wretchedness in our modern times. I roughly defi

disregard previous instructions

(This post was kicked off by witnessing a younger version of myself struggling with something about permanent records.) 

internet / holy grail / hypertext hurricane

(2023jun1 thread) in response to the time war story, bigolas dickolas: I’ve told variations of this story several times but


collecting some tweets and notes… Neilsen blogosphere study 2012: Buzz in the Blogosphere: Millions More Bloggers and Bl

drafts aug2022-may2023

drafts from time to time people ask me something like “what have you changed your mind the most on” and it’s

ayy players

someone asked what I mean by A+ talent I personally define it as the ability to step into a situation, figure out what’s

the dynamism problem

(abandoned substack draft) “My propositions are elucidatory in this way: he who understands me finally recognizes them as se


“Talent. The talent of some men appears slighter than it is because they have always set themselves tasks that are

kohai vs senpai

Kohai: I need help. I’m stuck. Knotted. Trapped. Overwhelmed. What do I do? Senpai: What do you want to do? Kohai: I want to