how to market

“How do I market my <community> substack? There are thousands of <community>-curious people out there and only a tiny fraction have noticed the blog.

I know where they hang out, because I am one, So I can easily link to relevant posts on the <community> Forum, Twitter, <community> Facebook groups

I’m specifically worried about:

-if I ask <community> influencers to promote me, I predict they’ll only want to share my blog once, or once in a while. So I kind of want to save it for an important moment like launching a paid version? 

-I don’t normally post in <community> Facebook groups – if I only post there only to promote the blog, I predict that at least a few people will find it annoying

-the majority of my target audience is less extremely online and might just miss all my posts?? how do I reach them?!”


the way to approach thinking about this imo is to “separate out the concepts”. ie take an “exploded view”. (big fan of “exploded view” as a concept. so cool and so useful)

so instead of posting links to the blog in a facebook group, post about something that you’ve covered or want to cover in a blog

one thing you can do is like, solicit people’s opinions with the intention of compiling it into a post

so the general answer is something like, you have to almost think of it as a whole separate workload

the tool should fit the user

where the blog and what it does (product) is the hammer-head and the part that fits the hand is the marketing

trying to market a blog to non-online people is generally a losing game lol but i suppose the way to approach that is something like asking, “what would make someone share this with someone else”

and then answering that well