(abandoned substack post)
feel like the title of this post should be a quote about polaroid
I’ve always wanted to research and write a sprawling post about cameras, images, and I’ve always thought I would spend years and years on it. Why? well… I’ve always been interested in perception, how we perceive, how I am perceived. Could do a whole separate post about that, maybe try to weave some of that into here. Definitely doing a whole separate post about ads for sure.
tinseltown, picture palaces, cinemas
john bergers ways of seeing
There’s a 1972 documentary (available on youtube!)– and a book
Camera changed what we see. Even changes paintings from before cameras
Reproducibility. Context
“Everything around the image is a part of its meaning” – confirms and consolidates
Images travel, meanings travel. Transmittable. Market value – a Leonardo sketch becomes like a relic in a shrine.
False mystery and false religiosity –
The nudes of European painting
To be naked vs to be nude- to be seen by others
Nakedness Is a sight for those who are dressed
Nakedness is created in The Eye of the beholder
Shame in relation to the spectator
Beauty contest
Photographs as advertisement for myself
polaroid camera:
The media environment I was born into
my relationship with cameras – I remember my family developing rolls of film, having photo albums, baby pictures
I remember the first few phones – we called them handphones in Singapore, I suppose you might call them cell phones – and the grainy pictures you could take with them
early days of facebook where people would upload dozens of chaotic photos of parties and so on
Anyone with a smartphone can vlog
// abandoned