paula scher
Paula scher City of signs Typography everywhere Painting with words “More ways to make type talk” Distinctive b
mediastudies 1
(abandoned substack post) feel like the title of this post should be a quote about polaroid I’ve always wanted to research a
transcendent incompleteness / in media res / media studies2
(Abandoned substack draft) how do we find joy in an existence within constraints? how does art break through the bandwidth lim
solitary mann
notes when i look through my references when i take photographs it’s just to take a note of the moment that i see, kno
how to talk to people
(abandoned substack draft) how to talk to people most people are doing it pretty badly. god, so badly. it’s so fucking i
Erasmus Mersenne Jadav Dashrath Wang yinji abdallah Chola Jane jacobs, mixed uses, wealth creation, sidewalks, strangers