This is a collection of notes and tweets I have about the times I’ve used the phrase “rationalbro”. I may someday turn this into a proper essay.
There's this fucking annoying thing that rationalbros do where they accuse you of "baiting" them when you ask them genuine questions that reveal the shallowness of their thinking.
— visakan veerasamy (@visakanv) November 22, 2017
Which in turn is quite revealing of their "gotcha" model of the world. Blatant sophistry
good tweetstorm about sealioning rationalbros
— visakan veerasamy (@visakanv) August 7, 2017
So I think you’re definitely right about this – sex is probably better with people who are honest and open, and men generally probably assume honest and open women are “unstable” because their point of reference = “calm” rationalbros with no skin in the game
— visakan veerasamy (@visakanv) August 16, 2018
Scene at Castle Black where Jon Snow is emo abt being ganged up on, then learns the others have it worse? All rationalbros need that seminar
— visakan veerasamy (@visakanv) October 23, 2017
libertarianism is cool in theory but in practice it's basically a secular megachurch for rationalbros
— visakan veerasamy (@visakanv) September 13, 2018