Friends from abroad often ask me for suggested readings re: Lee Kuan Yew. I recommend starting by reading The Art Of Charlie C

writer master plan

Oct: Writer Master Plan I’ve been doing some soul-searching and I’ve concluded that the one thing I want to do wit

rationalbros are mainly interested in scoring points in the rationalbro game

This is a collection of notes and tweets I have about the times I’ve used the phrase “rationalbro”. I may so

different hours = different worlds

It never gets old: waking up at different times feels like inhabiting different worlds. Now I’m thinking of God of War. Did

#StrugglePorn – is it painting a false picture?

good conversation started here with Nat & Gary I’m not personally a fan of Gary’s overall brand, but I appreci


I’ve somehow found myself in an interesting position of getting to be the only Singaporean in a room full of foreigners

my life in pictures

This post exists to help me, at a glance, get a sense of my own life over the years. 1990 – 1996 1998 2001 2003 2004 2006 20

The Statement / JIBABOM! story, so far

Statement is a t-shirt company that we started in 2011. I posted some ideas on Facebook, and they were pretty well-r

I used to be a picky eater

I saw somebody make fun of picky eaters on Twitter, and I felt compelled to write about my own experiences. I was like this my

men can and should creature nurturing spaces for each other

My wife pointed out to me recently that there are so few spaces for men to gather and talk about their feelings. We could crea

our metaphors for god adapt to keep up with our technology

Most of us inherit an idea of God as a “world craftsman”. If you think about it, this idea could not predate craft

minorities have to be extra-sensitive

(these were thoughts in response to Sarah Jeong being called out for being racist towards white men) I think one of the rules

women’s perspectives are criminally underrepresented

(2025mar8: I wonder if I still feel this way? The climate feels different than in 2017, but I think fundamentally… IR

mansplaining is sometimes (but not always) innocuous

If I had to do a β€œthe difference between men and women” type of standup set, I think I would focus on the phenomenon of ma

many women want to have sex

my wife was telling me something interesting about an all-women FB group she was in women very often want to have sex with men

menworld: a way of considering the patriarchy

(Clarification: for the whole of this thread, when I say Men, I’m referring to the subset of straight men who live &

“I only like Chinese girls”

There is some nuance in the space between having a preference and articulating it. Lots of dudes are utterly incapable of walk


I thought it would be interesting to make a list of notable events where I’ve spoken at. I’ve emceed 2 weddings. I

naughty boy ideation

(2024: I believe this was a wordvomit i tried to write but gave up on halfway.) Starting a second vomit hot on the heels of th

Breakfast AMAs

Every so often I have breakfast alone, and I ask Twitter to ask me questions. I enjoy it a lot – I find it to be a great way