money or life Book opens by talking about how shitty people are with their money and
Tribe, by Sebastian Junger
original thread This book grew out of this 2015 Vanity Fair article about soldiers and PTSD Junger grew up in a Boston suburb.
echo chambers are inescapable; the challenge is to design good ones
(2015nov11 thread) It’s interesting to witness how people throw the term “echo chamber” around to criticize
It’s my fault and that’s a good thing
(notes for a future essay about self-blame, responsibility, the concept of fault) A long term tension in my life: I don't
a system can only be improved at its tightest bottleneck
I’ve been thinking a lot about Tiago Forte’s point about bottlenecks – that the only meaningful improvement you
Skinwalkers: mass shootings are nihilistic acts of disaffiliation
(Writing this post because I’m cleaning out my bookmarks in one-tab and realizing that I’ve mentioned Skinwalkers