Drogon vs Balerion size comparison

Hypothesis: Artists perceive differently than regular folks

I have some kooky hypotheses about how people like this (and folks like Van Gogh) experience reality differently from the comm

Realizations I’d like to be reminded of

There are some things that I realize from time to time, and I wish I could be reminded of regularly. This is an attempt to con

What does it mean to be Indian in the modern world?

WIP โ€œTo be an Indian writer in this society is to face, every day, problems of definition. What does it mean to be โ€˜Indian

Fashion is omnipresent and inescapable; we are all making fashion statements whether we realize it or not

Why does this post exist? I think fashion is interesting and important. I’d like to develop a better sense of my perspec


Local man gets released from prison, quickly proceeds to attempt to throw himself into path of bus to extort money from driver

making sense of bullshit-ville

To be born into modern human civilization is both a great privilege (for the safety and opportunities it provides) and a rathe

Jokes perform social functions and sustain social orders

Lol so we should just stop appreciating comedy in general… (cos every joke/skit is inherently poking fun at some facet o

work learnings

The following is a list of things that I personally learned. Work in progress. One on ones. It’s very important to have

Feature Requests

Spotify Problem: Overplayed music Suggestion: The simplest, bluntest way this could work is a block/ban list. “I donR

DR wedding speech

Thank you everybody for being here on this pleasant day, to witness our friends writing the next chapter of their lives.