Schools are powerful, outdated tools of social programming

Why does this post exist? I haven’t been in school in over a decade, but it had a debilitating effect on me and I want to think about that. I want to recover from what school did to me. And I want to be useful to anybody else who was maimed by this. I recognize that this isn’t the case for everybody, and for lots of people around the world, school is actually a fun and useful thing to have gone through. This wasn’t the case for me.

Schools are outdated and obsolete. I will trumpet this over and over again, because for schools to adapt and change, or for new systems to emerge and get adopted, more people need to talk about it. It needs to enter the public domain. Everybody must be persuaded of it. As long as schools are designed for the Industrial age, we will not progress.


Seth Godin ā€“ What is School For? Stop Stealing Dreams

Ken Robinson ā€“ Creativity