Write Till You Drop, by Annie Dillard

Write Till You Drop By ANNIE DILLARD People love pretty much the same things best. A writer looking for subjects inquires not

Standard Deviation

Standard deviation is a measure of statistical dispersion. It’s the square root of variance. We take the square root bec

Why is there nothing in A Level Economics about commercial banks?

Here’s something I’ve been quite frustrated about. As I’ve revisited “A” Level Economics, I stil

contemplating the universe

One of the most amazing things that the human mind is able to do is to contemplate the Universe. Now, few of us are reall

On Jealousy

By “Anon User” When does love make one miserable and jealous? It does not. You misread your own feelings. The buzz


“In White House jargon this was a meeting of β€œthe principals,” which is to say the big shots. In addition to Biden a

on recurring dreams, guilt and free will

I woke up today feeling fresh and recharged and ready to take on the world- which I will, in a short while, but I want to get

How I’m studying as an ‘A’ Levels Private Candidate

After choosing my subjects, the first thing I wanted to do was to get very intimately acquainted with my syllabus. It’s

Studying H2 Literature as a Private Candidate, pt 1

First of all, after making the decision to do H2 Literature, I have to pick my texts. Here are my choices: Section B: Prose *

Dear Guitar: You matter to me

This isn’t to any particular guitar. I’ve had a few guitars over the years. Interestingly, I’ve never actual

Productivity: Set aside sacred time for Work

2024 update: the interesting thing about this post is that it’s an unintentionally great representation of my worldview